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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sherwood SOP Stick Options

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My sticks worked out to $38 per stick Canadian from my LHS who probably has a higher mark up than a bigger store. I went into the city where Sherwood has a warehouse, and one of the LHS said around $33-$34 range. That was for old style 9950's around the 115 flex. The new style retail 9950's are 9950rg - the rg meaning round grip. They are also a 105 flex, according to what is printed on the stick. I was told that any color combination could be done. All black, all white, whatever,and the lettering was to 2 colors. They were out of gold so mine showed up all black with just white lettering. The only part of the stick that looks retail is the lettering on the Sher-Wood that goes down the sides of the shaft. Other than that, all it says is 9950 SOP, and the little "Drolet Made In Canada". Will eventually have pics.

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what do you mean "dry out"? As in if you leave it sitting someplace and don't use it? probably the same as any other woodie.

PM9 with a square toe is possible, as is pretty much anything else you can dream up. That's why they're "Special Order" patterns.

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what do you mean "dry out"? As in if you leave it sitting someplace and don't use it? probably the same as any other woodie.

PM9 with a square toe is possible, as is pretty much anything else you can dream up. That's why they're "Special Order" patterns.

Yeah, and how long is that?

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I think I read on here a while back that if a wood stick is kind of dry then you could get a shower running and put the stick around the steam to help it out. Never tried it myself but its a thought.

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