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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sherwood SOP Stick Options

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Does anyone know what the custom options are for Sherwood SOP (Special Order Product) Sticks?

Do they offer a wheelbarrow handle option?

Thanks in advance.

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I called Sherwood last year about SOP's when I thought I found the perfect curve for me, and the person I talked to said just about anything can be done to SOP woodies.

Length, flex, handle shape, blade curve/lie/loft/profile, I think they can even paint the woodies whatever color you want, nameplates, the whole nine.

I remember a bunch of guys a long long time ago had a team order of red Iron Carbons; like old school Tomas Sandstrom's.........talk about fugly.

Just give'm a call, toll free number's on the website I think and they're very very helpful.

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I'm thinking about ordering some in the next couple months, white and red, Sakic clone in a 4 lie. If I actually pull through it would be sweet :D

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acutally i have a bunch of sop 5030s

and flex can't be customized

length, shaved handle, blade colour (clear/black), shaft colour as well.

one problem with mine was they didn't put the nassy momentum graphics on, rather just standard sop graphix with my custom colours

btw, belive me, these sticks are amazing, they're so much more balanced than the retail sticks, and lighter.

i duno if its just my mind playing tricks, but it really feel. like the sops are much better than the retail counterpart.

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acutally i have a bunch of sop 5030s

and flex can't be customized

length, shaved handle, blade colour (clear/black), shaft colour as well.

one problem with mine was they didn't put the nassy momentum graphics on, rather just standard sop graphix with my custom colours

btw, belive me, these sticks are amazing, they're so much more balanced than the retail sticks, and lighter.

i duno if its just my mind playing tricks, but it really feel. like the sops are much better than the retail counterpart.

Sorry, but what are the Nassy Momentum graphics?

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I thought it was like $40 for each stick so it would be alot of money.

If you split it with a friend 50/50 then it would cost you less than a OPS. I think I might go ahead and order for next year.

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When you order SOP's, is the whole entire order the same stick? or can you have a slightly different curve on some of them?

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Does anyone know how much an order of 12 would run you. CDN price would be preferred, but i can always convert it.

It really depends on the model you get and what your LHS wants as their mark up.

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I thought it was like $40 for each stick so it would be alot of money.

If you split it with a friend 50/50 then it would cost you less than a OPS. I think I might go ahead and order for next year.

Thats a good idea but do all the sticks have to bee exactly the same?

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Thats a good idea but do all the sticks have to bee exactly the same?

JR already answered this question in this thread. Look about 5 posts prior. ;)

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