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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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04 synergys and si cores

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Sorry if this has already been discussed but did anybody else notice a drop in prices. Synergys and si-cores are now $120 at my LHS a week before synergys were 150 and sicores 160...

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Yeah last time I was in my local shop they had some regular Synergy's for $90, didn't bother to check out the Si-Core's.

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The new line of '05 products is coming out in January. The Synergy ST and Synergy SL, as well as the respective grip models are coming out to replace the synergy and sicore. If you like the regular silver synergies, now is a good time to pick one up.

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Coming out in January :o . I thought that they were coming out in June! Better get a new Stick soon..since I broke 2 blades last night.

The vapor hasn't been holding up too well for me, the bottom is already cracking and the toe has a 2 inch chip in it.

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Coming out in January :o . I thought that they were coming out in June! Better get a new Stick soon..since I broke 2 blades last night.

The vapor hasn't been holding up too well for me, the bottom is already cracking and the toe has a 2 inch chip in it.

I figured Easton would be releasing some of the new stuff in January during or after the big hockey show.....

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Coming out in January  :o . I thought that they were coming out in June! Better get a new Stick soon..since I broke 2 blades last night.

The vapor hasn't been holding up too well for me, the bottom is already cracking and the toe has a 2 inch chip in it.

I figured Easton would be releasing some of the new stuff in January during or after the big hockey show.....

They usually don't, I wouldn't expect them to do it this year.

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Judging by how long it took to get Si-Cores and Stealths to market, I'll say late spring, early summer.

Although... there's no NHL production this year. Mid- to late-March isn't entirely out of the question, even for Easton.

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at most places are synergy grips on sale. also do they come in a 85 flex

Intermediate Synergy Grips come in 75...

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is easton making new tapered shafts and blades?

They're coming out with wood synthesis blades, and i've heard something about a shaft...

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Theres also been a price drop around here. PIAS had sicore grips for 226 bucks(100bucksoff) cdn and sicores were 90 bucks off.

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I just came back from peranis and they have a huge sale on all their stick (excluding stealth) i picked up 2 sicore grips for 245.99$. the prices were:

Sicore- 139.99

grip sicore- 149.99

xn10- 129.99

All pro sticks were $99. They had tons of xn10 pros, and sicores/synergys.

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I just came back from peranis and they have a huge sale on all their stick (excluding stealth) i picked up 2 sicore grips for 245.99$. the prices were:

Sicore- 139.99

grip sicore- 149.99

xn10- 129.99

All pro sticks were $99. They had tons of xn10 pros, and sicores/synergys.

How much were the stealths?

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I just came back from peranis and they have a huge sale on all their stick (excluding stealth) i picked up 2 sicore grips for 245.99$. the prices were:

Sicore- 139.99

grip sicore- 149.99

xn10- 129.99

All pro sticks were $99. They had tons of xn10 pros, and sicores/synergys.

American prices, right?

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