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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Disadvantages to using a ton of wax on stick?

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Hi, I was wondering if there were any disadvantages to using a ton of wax on your tape and then melting it with a hair dryer / heat gun all over the very bottom.


I've had the same tape job for weeks and it doesn't even look close to wearing out because of the wax, but I never see anyone else that uses wax (or it's hard to see).

Does it affect anything to do with stick handling? Or just not too popular

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I would imagine adding excessive amounts of wax could increase the weight of the blade/stick and maybe throw off the balance?  But I would imagine it would need to be coated/caked on wax to really change it significantly.

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Before I went to blade tape I used lots of wax. Still use a little on the little hockey tape I do use on the blade. 

Any way, I find that it does increase the life of the tape. It also lessens the build up of snow on the bade and makes it easier to remove any snow that does build up. 

This helps the hockeytape grip the puck better for stickhandling and shooting. It's harder to put spin on the puck if your blade is coated in ice. 

I never thought about it but I think wax is pretty common. There's a reason all the hockey shops around my area carry 4-5 different brands of it. 

Personally, I don't think there's much disadvantage to it.

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