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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Your biggest idiot move

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Damn, Kelly, how old ARE you?  LOL

LOL...Let's see.....carry the one.....


You may now commence with the jokes...

And no my first hockey stick was NOT a crooked branch from a tree...LOL

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Oh yeah, I forgot....you told me you had Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble on your line when you played for Mr. Slate's All Stars....the Zam was a wholly mammoth with a wet towel behind it...

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Hey - Barney could stickhandle a rock like no other....

And the Mammoth did an OK job..as long as they didn't feed the damn thing before they sent it out...THAT was no fun to clean up..LOL

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I don't feel out of place now, if Ponty and Kelly are older.

My bonehead play to put the puck in our net -

Down a goal with less than a minute to go, goalie pulled for the extra attacker, in their end, pass the puck back to the defenseman...(you all know where this is going...:() who had left the point and cut to the net for the pass. We all just stood and watched the puck slide almost dead-centre into the net. Nothing to do but smile and make my way over to the bench.

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My biggest dumbass move was in the semi-finals of the playoffs.

The Opponents were up 3-2 about 3mins left we had a Power-Play. Face off was in our end it comes back to me so I start a Fedorov rush trying to go end to end and equalize. I got as far as our blue line when I tried to challenge the only forechecker even though I could have easily took a different route where there were no players.. but he picked me off and ripped it thru our goalie to seal the deal. I learned from my mistake so I guess it wasn't that bad.

Sounds more like Kovalev than Fedorov ;)

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Few years ago I was playing D, a guy beat me and got on a breakaway. I dove trying to knock the puck away and ended up tripping him, he was given a penalty shot and scored the game winning goal because of me diving, needless to say i've never dive anymore :D.

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My tournament was in Gatineau. The Midget Kiwanis tournament.

Did you played against Orford St-Francois Faucons? The team that win this year. I know a couple of people in that team.

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Few years ago I was playing D, a guy beat me and got on a breakaway. I dove trying to knock the puck away and ended up tripping him, he was given a penalty shot and scored the game winning goal because of me diving, needless to say i've never dive anymore :D.

Similar move but when I tipped the puck I put it 5-hole on our goalie.

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wow somthing terrible happened to me last game. I was very close to my teams bench playing defence on the penalty kill and i tried to rip a slapshot of the boards and it ended up going into our bench hitting none other than our star players bare hand. He took off his glove to get water and now he is out till playoffs. damn

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Ok so were playing the best team in the league, we have been playing great the whole game,and if we win this we move into the playoffs.We have posession in their zone.Its tierd 5-5 with about 45 seconds left and my coach puts out the scoring line,lookin good.....................and then he takes one of the D-men out and puts me in :( Now I play center but I have a pretty good shot(If I do say so myself) so he wants me to kinda stay between the hash marks and the point. Well it just so happens that my buddy finds me and one times it to me. I fan the shot(Ouch) but the puck hits the inside of my skate and bounces almost right in front of my stick,so now I decide to get fancy and fake another slapper,well I end up getting a tiny piece of the puck and send it right to the D-man(who bought the fake at first) So it ends up looking like a little pass right to him. He then gets around me,gets a breakaway and socres.It still haunts me

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i was taking the puck diagonally over the red line once and left a sick drop pass for my defenseman, who was nowhere near me. He had taken off in a different direction. i turned around to see i had left it lying there in neverland. opposing player took off down the rink and scored. thankfully i scored right off the ensuing faceoff, and it wasn't a crucial goal anyways, so it wasn't THAT bad. still embarassing as hell though.

even more embarrasing: flyin down the rink to get back on D, flip around to skate backwards going top speed, my pants get rolled up in my back wheel and wrecked like i never wrecked before, right near the boards where a group of girls were watchin the game

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where a group of girls were watchin the game

it always makes it worse when theres alotta girls watching....and of course thats what happened to me

we were getting beat really bad like 7-1 or something like that so our whole time was really pissed off, including me and one of their players who was about a foot or so taller than me took the puck in the corner so i went at him as hard as i could, not thinking to clearly...i started to get planted for a good check, but somehow he got to it first and sent me flying backward. ive never heard so many people laugh at a hockey game...and of course the only group of hot girls at the game was right there watching the whole thing.

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