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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Has anyone ever purchased anything or have experience with salesportinggoods.com ? I feel like this site may be too good to be true, especially because they have so many older models of gloves not being sold anymore. But seeing as how they're a wholesaler based out of Singapore I can see how it's possible they have access to the inventory of the factories over there.

Here's all the gloves they say they have available: http://salesportinggoods.com/categories/Hockey/Senior-Equipments/Hockey-Gloves/ 



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Inventory that old is not kept in a factory in Singapore, it's in a warehouse in North America, and subsequently retailers clearance racks.

Tangential to the fact that I can't recall any Bauer or CCM products being manufactured there.

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4 hours ago, Buzz_LightBeer said:

Inventory that old is not kept in a factory in Singapore, it's in a warehouse in North America, and subsequently retailers clearance racks.

Tangential to the fact that I can't recall any Bauer or CCM products being manufactured there.

Singapore is my homeland, and land is extremely expensive here. Nobody's going to be storing any kind of hockey gear here in a big warehouse when next door in Malaysia, Indonesia or the Philippines, land is 10x cheaper.

I do recall this conversation having come up before on this forum a long time ago too, actually. I'd really like to know if this store has what it says it has, cause I'm very keen on getting a replacement IMS 7.0.

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1 hour ago, bandits_5 said:

the first red flag, for me, would be the fact that it says "we accept bitcoin"

That alone doesn't scare me, but if you actually click on that page... yikes. 

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