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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Saint George

When Does Bauer Release New Pants

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Hi folks - q on release dates.  I need to get some new pants and I've been wearing Bauer Vapor quite happily for the last 4 years, so I'd like to get another pair.  Unfortunately, every on line store in the US seems to be either out or almost out - impossible to find a L in black.

I assume that's because Bauer will be bringing out a new model at some point and they are clearing inventory.  Anyone have any idea roughly when their news stuff might appear?  Thanks!

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Ooh... I like that they're finally ditching that ugly white/gray logo on the front of their retail pants. Once they get around to updating the Nexus line of pants again, and unless they completely shit the bed on them, a new pair will be an automatic buy.

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