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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Base Layers

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What does everyone use for their base layer? Goalie specific?

I'm using the older version (grey/blue) Bauer 37.5 long sleeve shirt and Bauer 37.5 long leggings. I use the version with the cup pocket because they have velcro on the legs for my socks, but I cut the cup pocket out. 

I'm pretty happy with my setup because 37.5 is fantastic, however I came across these and would like to give them a try. Anyone used them?





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I use the ol’ Hespeler onesie. Centre zip, pulls all the fat in. Haven’t tried it on since losing 30+ pounds from the colitis. 

The Bauer stuff looks interesting, but I gotta have a onesie set up. Of course the ostomy bag could play a role in how I wear stuff...

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4 hours ago, bunnyman666 said:

I use the ol’ Hespeler onesie. Centre zip, pulls all the fat in. Haven’t tried it on since losing 30+ pounds from the colitis. 

The Bauer stuff looks interesting, but I gotta have a onesie set up. Of course the ostomy bag could play a role in how I wear stuff...

I don’t need the onesie as I just tuck the shirt into the pants. The Bauer stuff is fantastic but that CCM shirt looks really good. Love the ventilation on the back.

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5 hours ago, IPv6Freely said:

I don’t need the onesie as I just tuck the shirt into the pants. The Bauer stuff is fantastic but that CCM shirt looks really good. Love the ventilation on the back.

I get it.

I may have to try tucking again...

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If you like the Bauer stuff with 37.5, scoop it up now - it isn't long for this world. I, personally, am also a big fan but it sounds like sales of it haven't been great and Bauer hasn't been able to get much attachment to the 37.5 feature.

That said, I like the look of the new Vaughn offering, particularly because it seems like it will breathe better than most other integrated pad designs I've seen.

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36 minutes ago, EvilPepe said:

If you like the Bauer stuff with 37.5, scoop it up now - it isn't long for this world. I, personally, am also a big fan but it sounds like sales of it haven't been great and Bauer hasn't been able to get much attachment to the 37.5 feature.

That said, I like the look of the new Vaughn offering, particularly because it seems like it will breathe better than most other integrated pad designs I've seen.

I don’t wear any goalie specific stuff. I don’t need the extra padding. Mine is all player base layer. Do you see that going away too?

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I like the 37.5 shirts... but Bauer/CCM charges WAY too much for base layer. When I can order Adidas or Nike base layers that work as good if not better (so far Adidas Techfit shirts are the best for staying cool) for 1/3rd of the price it isn't worth it.

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I have had good luck with Target's house brand (C9) base layers, in particular the "PowerCore" compression stuff.  Admittedly I haven't tried anything hockey-specific, but sweat is sweat.

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16 hours ago, IPv6Freely said:

I don’t wear any goalie specific stuff. I don’t need the extra padding. Mine is all player base layer. Do you see that going away too?

Yep. There are no 2018 products with 37.5 in it, and I believe the agreement with the company that owns the material is about up. Some product that was using 37.5 has phased out already, the rest should be done next year I believe (after the current line of team wear has gone 3 years).


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5 hours ago, EvilPepe said:

Yep. There are no 2018 products with 37.5 in it, and I believe the agreement with the company that owns the material is about up. Some product that was using 37.5 has phased out already, the rest should be done next year I believe (after the current line of team wear has gone 3 years).


Suck. I guess I’d better give that CCM shirt a try then! 

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