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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anybody here a P14 (Bauer) user?

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Curious to see how many people here use the P14. Could have sworn they were getting rid of it but 2NPro is out and still the P14 exists. I see it a lot at the NCAA level but never pro. I broke my last P28 that I’ve been using for almost 2 years but thinking about going back to the P92 or maybe giving the P14 a shot.

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I tried it once a few years ago.  I didn’t like how short/narrow the toe area of the blade was.  If the blade was shaped more like a p92 I would’ve liked it more

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I was using the P92 when I tried the P14 blade on my two piece for the heck of it. Don't know if it was the blade or placebo, but my scoring went way up after the switch and I stocked up on them back during the TotalOne MX3 days. I agree with previous posts that it's a little too narrow compared to the P92, and I've whiffed on a few pucks because of it. But I like the toe curve enough to make it my primary pattern; definitely serves me well all over the ice in any position.

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Been playing with 2 Nexus N9000 with 112 flex. 1 P28 and 1 P14. In my league I play C or RW. On my other ice times I often play D. I'm 6' 195lbs ~10-14% bf.
I'm more of a Sherwood P77 Coffey guy (~100 flex), but have 3 new Sherwood's relaxing in my closet while I stick with these Bauer twigs.

Maybe it's the N9000 blade and shaft, but I like the stick including the pattern. You can really get shots up high from in close on the forehand. Hard slapshots rise fast, so I almost have to check my follow thru if I'm too far out. From the slot a half or full clapper goes top shelf :) :) :)

btw another player I know loves this P14 pattern in a 77 flex. He's more of an average to undersized D with excellent passing and skating (he has been a ref in DEL). He plays with a relatively short stick. He just got a new Supreme P14, but not in 77 flex because it's super hard to find in Europe.

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I like the shorter more compact blade of the P14 over the P28 and P92 if I had to pick one. 

That said it’s becoming a unicorn (like my beloved 106) and if you don’t use 28 92 or 88 you’re in for a bad time.

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5 minutes ago, Cavs019 said:

That said it’s becoming a unicorn (like my beloved 106) and if you don’t use 28 92 or 88 you’re in for a bad time.

It's only a matter of time before those 3 curves will be the only ones offered at retail with the others relegated to MyBauer only.

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