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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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PM9 name

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Looking around at different curves and their properties I noticed that most curves are PXX, but then you come to the PM9.  Why is it just not called the P9?  Was it the original max height blade brought to retail?  I am sorry if this has been asked before just wondering.

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I can’t think of any logical explanation other than a homage to the Easton Modano pattern that it’s cloned after. 

It wasn't/isn’t a max height blade. 

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...and then the Lindros turned into the p88 and the Warrior's version of the p88 is also called Zetterberg which for a bit was Easton's pro name attached to their version of the pm9...


best curve ever. F your toe curve with a kink and half twist or whatever nonsense high school kids use to pound shots into the glass. 

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Larkin in Warrior during a Sportsnet promo shoot. Looks like the PM9 will be getting a new name.... again (if they keep it available)

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