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CCM P20 curve

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Does anyone have any info on CCMs P20 retail curve that looks to be debuting on the new Trigger line. Only info I can find is it's suppose to be a P02 clone. I'm wondering how it compares and what the actual lie will be on it. 

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This curve has been floating around for years. Usually as a special request by retailers. It is essentially a P02 with only differences that the biggest nerds notice. Where are you seeing it on Trigger 3Ds?


One thing I don't get is why do I usually see this curve in QRLs, Triggers and Vapors? While I can see the usefulness of this curve for a grinding forward close to the net, this is traditionally a clapper curve. I would love to see it on a Tacks or a Nexus.

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On 10/2/2018 at 7:43 PM, ParabolicActivity said:

This curve has been floating around for years. Usually as a special request by retailers. It is essentially a P02 with only differences that the biggest nerds notice. Where are you seeing it on Trigger 3Ds?


One thing I don't get is why do I usually see this curve in QRLs, Triggers and Vapors? While I can see the usefulness of this curve for a grinding forward close to the net, this is traditionally a clapper curve. I would love to see it on a Tacks or a Nexus.

I never knew CCM even made a P02 clone untiI I found it on hockey supremacy website on the 3 Pro. I did some digging online and found this years ccm catalog as well as a list of CCM pro order curves that had some details, they list it as a lie and say it's a bit deeper than the P02, are those the differences you were talking about? If so can you elaborate a little more on them? Either way I went ahead and preordered the 3Pro so hopefully in a month or so I'll be able to compare myself. 


I noticed that too, I can't find a recent gen Nexus or Tacks with it anywhere. Seems Bauer still offers it on the Supreme line tho, but I'm not a fan of the kick point. I just started using it at the end of last season when I went on the hunt for something with the highest lie I could find at retail and grabbed a Sherwood T100 with it and fell in love right away, but was disappointed when I went to find more or any mid kick stick with it with no luck. 

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21 hours ago, Cavs019 said:

P50 is much more user friendly - come on CCM. 

As an aside- nice to see heel curves not completely dead. 

I have always been a P92 then more recently P88 kinda guy but the lie just isn't high enough for me with those. I had always heard the P02 was around a 7, but seems to be more of a 6/6.5 in reality but has worked well for me and the square toe has been a nice bonus. 

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I have one and can post pics if need be but ts basically a Lidstrom curve (the toe seems more round than what I remember it, still square compared to other curves). I purchased it as it looked cool and dont see these heel curves anywhere anymore. The lie seems a 5-6 to my eyes, might be wrong but does not seem that high. No idea what to expect of it on the ice until I try it lol. 



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I have a P20 Pro3. It is most definitely a 7 lie. It is identical to my P02. I didn't cut mine down at all and this stick has so much kick. I hit the cross bar from center ice when I was messing around after I bought it. It is such a rocket launcher I have never ripped an in game clapper with it because I don't want anyone to get hurt. 

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