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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Increasiing Depth on a Bauer Custom Skate

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I'm considering going Custom on Bauers. I've tried on many stock Bauers already and my best retail fit seems to be a Superme in 7.5EE.. My hesitation is that i'm failing in depth (pencil sits  on top of foot rather than sidewalls of the skate) at around eyelets 4 to 6 whereas i'd like less depth (skinny ankles) at eyelets 1 to 3. Has anyone out there (personally or a fitter) seen a Custom Bauer come back and pull this off successfully? I've discussed the issue why my local fitters but no one can give me a definite answer. 

PS. I also have narrowish ankles so cannot consider the Nexus skate family. 

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A lack of depth shouldn't be considered a deal breaker, unless it's extreme. In fact, it may not even be an issue. Failing the pencil test just puts you at greater risk for lace bite, but its not gaurenteed. Depends how bad it is.

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I originally rejected 7EE  Vapors as I failed the pencil test, so two years ago I went for 7EE Supremes, and got lace bite a few times, but overall they were good. Recently I had the Bauer 3D scan and it said I fit 7EE  Vapors best but Supremes are just okay. I now have Supreme customs, 6.5 EE and  6.75 EE. I was best suited to Vapors, but went for Supremes, There is a massive difference between the 2s and a mid range skate such as my s160. The 2s tongue is incredibly protective, and wraps the foot with an even pressure and I suspect the likelihood of lace bite is greatly reduced. 

Have you had the 3D scan? 

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12 minutes ago, Leif said:

I originally rejected 7EE  Vapors as I failed the pencil test, so two years ago I went for 7EE Supremes, and got lace bite a few times, but overall they were good. Recently I had the Bauer 3D scan and it said I fit 7EE  Vapors best but Supremes are just okay. I now have Supreme customs, 6.5 EE and  6.75 EE. I was best suited to Vapors, but went for Supremes, There is a massive difference between the 2s and a mid range skate such as my s160. The 2s tongue is incredibly protective, and wraps the foot with an even pressure and I suspect the likelihood of lace bite is greatly reduced. 

Have you had the 3D scan? 

The scan recommended Vapor 8EE but the 7.5EE Supreme 2S fit much better. 

If going retail, I’d go with 2S rather than 2S Pro as I prefer traditional eyelets and also the less bulky tongue on the 2S.

im willing to pay additional to go custom though IF they can make the improvements as stated in my OP. If not, then i’m not sure it would be worth it for me. 

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My sense is that a supreme with more depth/increased facing or a nexus with a narrower ankle are both doable with an accurate scan and supplemental fitter notes. 

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51 minutes ago, endomaniac said:


The scan recommended Vapor 8EE but the 7.5EE Supreme 2S fit much better. 

If going retail, I’d go with 2S rather than 2S Pro as I prefer traditional eyelets and also the less bulky tongue on the 2S.

im willing to pay additional to go custom though IF they can make the improvements as stated in my OP. If not, then i’m not sure it would be worth it for me. 

I must admit I don’t understand your required improvements, then again I’m no skate fitter/maker. Why don’t you like the injected lacing system and bulky tongue on the 2s Pro? Not a criticism, just curious as we all have personal preferences. I was dubious about both, having never used them, and wondered if they were marketing BS. 

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@Leif less tongue thickness means more increased volume which I need , traditional eyelets for easier adjustments and just p.p.. Reading some of the custom threads here , standard eyelets in custom may facilitate possibility of increasing the facing/height (terminology?) versus injected laces 

Im biased against the injected facing since demoing a pair of MX3 previously. (Made my lacebite worse and somehow took away heel depth volume) 

currently rocking VH/True for the last 4-5 years, retail Original Total Ones before that with the thin  molded tongue (minor lacebite issues in that model) 

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I have a similar problem to you. I have size 4.5ee feet and when I was buying skates I had volume issues. Failed the pencil test easily on Supremes and didn't like that thick tongue, especially when I skated on them. The tongue made me wary of lacebite, so I went with Nexus and did some personal mods to make the heel lock work. Always knew I was sacrificing a bit of performance to avoid lace bite, but I always wondered what if I went with the supremes instead?

Then I found some S190s on extreme discount and said why not? Worse case I end up with a set of spare holders and steel. Skated on them for a bit. Really like the performance boost, but that thick tongue with the hard plastic on top was still bugging me. I was getting mild lace bite from the hard tongue rubbing against the top of my foot. I decided to stick with it, and luckily enough as the skate liner and the tongue broke in, the lace bite went away.

I took a small gamble and it paid off for me  

My 2cents  




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It's your feet and by the sounds of it you now what works and what doesn't. Whilst the pencil test ISN'T a guarantee that you will / won't get lace bite it's a damn good start in the place of any other reliable information and a pile of bs from a fitter / scan. 

By the sounds of it you have feet that about 10% of the population have and that are not catered for in todays retail ranges, narrow ankles, deep volume. Putting aside tongue changes or eyelet extenders, customs are the only answer. My understanding is that you can get the volume increased in full Bauer or CCM customs but you can only have traditional eyelets and it has to be on the notes and you need to get it confirmed by the manufacturer BEFORE the order starts (I am working thru this now with my LHS for full Bauer customs with this kind of fit, vapour heel, nexus depth).

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@Vet88 regardless of lacebite, having a sufficient facing would also help a more secure fit and thus performance...... I would think. 

As it stands, I’m on the fence with Bauer Custom until i hear of a retail customer successfully pulling off what you requested.  


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9 hours ago, endomaniac said:

@Vet88 regardless of lacebite, having a sufficient facing would also help a more secure fit and thus performance...... I would think. 

As it stands, I’m on the fence with Bauer Custom until i hear of a retail customer successfully pulling off what you requested.  


Here is what CCM offer for full custom, you can add up to 1/2 an inch in the areas you want it in (see page 10).


My LHS tell me the Bauer option is similar but we are waiting for confirmation as this is the first time he has ordered skates like this.

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That is a fascinating document, @Vet88. Thank you for posting it. I'm sure most of it is common knowledge for people in the industry, but it's really interesting to see different aspects of the skate spoken about in plain - rather than marketing - terms.

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1 hour ago, dante_p said:

That is a fascinating document, @Vet88. Thank you for posting it. I'm sure most of it is common knowledge for people in the industry, but it's really interesting to see different aspects of the skate spoken about in plain - rather than marketing - terms.

I was actually the one who shared it, but anyway. 


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40 minutes ago, Nicholas G said:

I was actually the one who shared it, but anyway. 


ha My bad. I must have missed that and was just replying to Vet88's comment. Thank you, as always, for continuing to drop product knowledge.

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According to the CCM document, you can add/reduce facing to either ankles, forefoot (mid-foot to the toes) or the whole boot.

curious if they (ccm or Bauer) could add ONLY to the mid-foot and leave the ankle and toe areas alone as I already have sufficient depth in this area?

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15 hours ago, Nicholas G said:

I was actually the one who shared it, but anyway. 


Oops, my bad in forgetting to give recognition where due. imho it's one of the best pieces of information posted in a long long time, thanks very much.

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