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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Adjustable End Plug

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Was doing some Boxing day browsing at a local shop and saw these on the shelf. It's an adjustable composite endplug. Not shown is the bolt that runs down the center to hold everything together. It's the same price as a composite plug, but heavier, and obviously adjustable. Thinking I might pick one up to fool around with. 



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I don’t get the point. Just buy a plug and cut it the length you want it. That way you don’t have a bunch of spare parts kicking around.

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8 hours ago, IPv6Freely said:

I don’t get the point. Just buy a plug and cut it the length you want it. That way you don’t have a bunch of spare parts kicking around.

The point is being able to quickly adjust stick height on the fly. I've seen lots of kids using stick lengths that don't seem to work because they simply whiff the puck even without anyone pressuring them. They don't get the point of making your stick longer or shorter to suit your build-posture combo. This would make it so you can make the point without having to get as drastic as chopping the stick way down and then swapping end plugs of different lengths in and out.

It doesn't necessarily solve the balance issue--sometimes it helps with feel immensely to cut the stick down to allow room for an end plug, but if you know a better length from using this tool it'll give your a better starting point for perfecting stick balance.

I wouldn't imagine a lot of people would work it into their final stick adjustment post tailoring, but it's an excellent idea for aiding the stick tailoring process. If you know exactly how long your stick should be, then this isn't for you, but there are a lot of players that don't know how big of an effect it can have on their puck handling.


Edit: from seeing their page, another major motivator is allowing sticks to grow with kids. I'm not familiar with how long youth players' sticks last, so that angle hadn't occurred to me.

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1 hour ago, flip12 said:

Edit: from seeing their page, another major motivator is allowing sticks to grow with kids. I'm not familiar with how long youth players' sticks last, so that angle hadn't occurred to me.

That's was my assumption all along. Fairly decent idea. You don't have to buy plugs, mess with heat guns and glue.

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