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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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looking for suggestions - ankle rubbing bauer supremes

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i know there are several threads on topics surrounding ankle pain, but i haven't found anything describing what i'm experiencing.


went to my LHS and was 3D fitted for bauer supreme skates, size 10 D (was on cusp of 10.5 D, but went a bit smaller and fit fine).  they are an SMU line but basically the S29 with the tongue and liner of 2S and the outsole of the 2S Pro.  i had them baked and profiled, first skate they were killing my inside ankles on both feet, a bit more my left which is my 'weaker' leg.

i have now skated on about 5 or 6 times, had another bake, more playing with lacing.  still getting pain on inside ankles, when loosely tied top 2 eyelets i'd say its still like a 5/10 pain.  especially noticeable stopping/starting, aggressive turns


so after all of this which i thought was just the breaking in pain routine, i can pinpoint whats happening.  although when my feet are on land, my inside ankle is perfectly inside the pocket in the liner, when skating, i guess with a bit of bending, my ankle is rubbing against the hard part of the skate beyond where the padding ends.  in other words, especially on the left skate the impression of my ankle is about 90% in padding and then overlapping just the hard material getting close to the eyelet.

looking for help.

- i've just picked up the gel ankle pads to help keep the inside ankle away from the hard material inside the skate.  i've also ordered stable 26 socks.  i talked to the store about punching out but they weren't too comfortable doing that yet based on proxmity to the eyelet.  i don't know if by definition this is not a good heel lock. i guess it is, but is there anything i should be doing differently???


- play beer league B ish level, 6'2" 180lbs came from vapor x:60 11EE that i had for 9 years that served me well but kind of falling apart at this point. play 2x per week.

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Go into any gym and pick up a pair of these plain hand grips for about $5. Cut it to the right size with a pair of scissors and just insert it in between your foot and the skate. They're thinner and a lot cheaper than those gel pads. Everybody I know who has ever tried them said they solved the problem instantly.



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Get them punched, as long as the lhs knows what it is doing it shouldn't be a problem. I have punched dozens of skates for an ankle pocket closer to the eyelets.

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Learned this from a figure skater...you can pick up little foam donuts at most pharmacies. Place one over the painful area and wrap your entire ankle with a few layers of foam pre-wrap to hold it in place. Then tape over it or just put your sock on and it will stay in place.  Should keep you going until you can get your skates fixed up.

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I had ankle placement issues.  Both outside ankle bones were well forward of the pocket.  You need to get them punched.  They need to sit on the punch over night and you may have to do it again.  @JR Boucicaut did mine.  They can be fixed but you need someone really good and patient.


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