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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Flex on hall XN10

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Aren’t they listed on the nameplate? The Pro Stock XN10 that I have has the Flex followed by 4 numbers on it.

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Thanks, Mack.  Doubted it'd be a reg flex.

Mojo- they said X1061 was on the nameplate.  Might mean x-stiff?

Mine is a Regular Flex, R0105. Extra Stiff makes sense for the letter X.

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do you guys know what s-0299 d means because that was on my response?

Stiff flex pattern 0299 revision D

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Thanks, Mack. Doubted it'd be a reg flex.

Mojo- they said X1061 was on the nameplate. Might mean x-stiff?

Yes it does

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Thanks, Mack.  Doubted it'd be a reg flex.

Mojo- they said X1061 was on the nameplate.  Might mean x-stiff?

Yes it does

Thanks for clarifying. I have a feeling I'll just get tired of calling to see if anyone has a reg flex response in a 5 or 5.5 lie and throw down for an R2 xn10 once I'm done buying books.

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