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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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wooden sticks

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JR, If I would have started this thread I woulda got ripped too. There are lots of other threads like this and it just seems like flooding, if anyone should be in trouble in here it should be vaporman for the fact he has a product name in his username. I'm sorry but I don't want the quality of the posts in this site to go down becasue people have to post everytime they use a new stick and how much they love it more than the next one.

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ive had every ops out and i like the feel of this wooden one

I think just about everybody prefers the feel of a wood stick over an OPS. That's why most manufacturers have been trying to soften the blades up while still keeping the performance of the stiff carbon. So far, nobody has really come close.

There are alot of guys out there who will sacrifice the extra kick they would get with an OPS or a tapered shaft/blade combo for the better feel of the woodie. I go back and experiment from time to time, but I am never able to find a wood stick that I feel I can shoot with (or keep in one piece for longer than a week).

I have found that duct-tape helps quite a bit. Two strips on the forehand and backhand faces of a composite blade dampen the vibrations quite a bit, and really make for a nice feel. It's something I have done with everyone of my one-pieces and composite blades for about two years now, and I have to say I think it's one of the smartest things I have ever done. The feel is better, the blades actually last a bit longer, and it doesn't cause any problems when I'm shooting the puck.

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On a similar note, putting an attack pad under your tape job can help soften up the feel on a composite blade.

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Chadd, using an Attack Pad how similar is the feel to an Alpha Nemesis?

The nemesis was far more natural, the attack pad isn't as comfortable.

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