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Looking for advice on inline skate fit

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I am well acquainted with the fit of ice skates, but not with inline skates. There are a few other companies and lines that I am not familiar with. I am looking for a medium to narrow fitting boot with lower volume. What skate line would you folks, suggest?

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On 3/30/2020 at 6:34 PM, datsvechkin said:

If you don't mind spending a little extra go for True Pro Custom Inline skates! You won't find a better fit

I don't mind spending big money on my ice skates (I have total custom AS1s), but I'm not as into roller hockey. Really looking for something mid-range to train with off-ice during this COVID-19 situation. I pulled the trigger on some Bauer Vapor XR600 skates. They arrive tomorrow. Can't wait to give them a go. It's been a few years since I've been on inlines.

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On 4/6/2020 at 9:41 AM, MikeG said:

Where did you get your XR600s from? Looking for a pair to keep skating while all the rinks are closed. 


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Got some Bauer x2.9 roller but had to retune them bc of volume issues. Pencil test passed but bc there was not enough wrap the laces on the forefoot were too much pressure on the tendon on both my feet. I had them on inside my house for not even an HR and my left foot was in pain for two days. First time I've worn a vapor skate though. Previously I've had supreme, as1, and currently true. It's a shame Bauer only offers vapor for inlines otherwise it's mission which is only an e width for models other than the top two. I'm going to prob get a used set or pro stick return of Trues and have the marsblade rs1 holder mounted. 

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Keep an eye out for the older mission lines nls ds and ac. They had d width in the mid range models. Check coast to coast hockey shop they have some old stock nls models. Or I think inline warehouse has tacks unless they’re cleared out

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Inline warehouse has a fit description of the different Inlinehockeyskates. If you search for "Hockey skates" you will find the diferent modells. Than you can scroll down the overview of each skate.

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