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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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reebok sticks

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they are selling them for 269.99 at one of the lhs where i i live (ottawa). they look good too, theyve got a nice sleek grip on them, and the shaft has a good concave shape, they feel really balanced to

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Mine is decent, the blade is thin and stick is very, very well balanced. The Stick is as light as any other stick I've owned. The only problem that I have got with it is that shooting with it just isn't as natural as I feel it should be. I really like the shaft shape, had some problems with the grip peeling but some Goo-gone took care of that. I like to throw down dangles with this stick, and shoot with my si-core/vapor xx, I just wish I could shoot better with it <_< Overall I would have to give this stick maybe a 8.5/10

LOL..short review there.

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I found a pro stock one in a LHS. Although it was right handed and I'm lefty, it felt really good in my hands and I liked it. I cant remember the selling price though, but I know it wasn't outrageous.

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Greatskate is selling them at different prices.


Some of the AHL players didnt like them, some said they lacked feel and in durability. Perhaps they changed this problem for the retail version.

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Greatskate is selling them at different prices.


Some of the AHL players didnt like them, some said they lacked feel and in durability. Perhaps they changed this problem for the retail version.

Odd..... the Greatskate site describes these as Reebok 5k's, however, haven't some that have shown up on Ebay been 6k's? Am I remembering this incorrectly, or is there a model difference (perhaps the 6k being a pro or newer model, while the 5k a retail model)?

The "snake grip" sounds interesting. Wonder if it's similar to the old Easton shark-skin shafts? Or, perhaps, like Inno's Polar Fibre (which after years of using, I think I've come to the conclusion that I'd just assume this was less sand-paper gritty than it is).

Also, 460 grams? I would have thought they'd try to keep the weight down for their first entrance into the OPS market for good PR spin. Now, that's not to say that I'm a big believer that lighter is better, but it is what the hot topic often is when talking about OPS these days. The difference between that and a Stealth is just a few ounces, so hardly noticeable. But... folks seem to pay attention to that. Perhaps the shaft is extra long which might have something to do with the weight (I find that the Synnergies are shorter than, say, the Vectors and Vapors and wondered if that's how they might shave some grams).

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The Rbk 1K looks like a Reebok remake of the Jofa 5500 stick. Perhaps the 5K is a remake of one of the Koho Revolution or earlier CCM Vector sticks whereas the 6K could be like the CCM Vector 130? I dunno, just a guess.

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I thought the AHL version was not going to be available to the general public. Also with the "white shield" thing, I thought it was platinum, orange then white at the low end on the CCM stuff. RBK must be different or I've totally lost my mind. I'd put the odds at 50-50 either way.

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I thought the AHL version was not going to be available to the general public. Also with the "white shield" thing, I thought it was platinum, orange then white at the low end on the CCM stuff. RBK must be different or I've totally lost my mind. I'd put the odds at 50-50 either way.

It's the platinum shield on the AHL version of the 6k stick.

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