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Coming from a Max Edge 981

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My son was using (and liking) and Maximum Edge 981 profile. He can't get this done where he is now, and the place he did get them done can't do them on steel removed from the holder. They need the boot they say to find the balance point. So I have new steel for him but can't get a 981 profile because I don't have his skates and he can't do without them.

He can get a Prosharp profile where he is. Reading the groups it seems for a 280 length blade most seem to prefer the Quad 1.

So my question is... coming from a Max Edge 981, would it make sense to switch to a Quad 1 or are they significantly different? Is there a 981 equivalent on the Prosharp side?



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4 hours ago, SkateWorksPNW said:

I can find anywhere that explains what the 981 profile radii is comprised of. 


Some have described it as a 10.5-9.5 with a 1 inch flat spot, so tri-radius? Or dual with a flat spot? By name alone I would have guess it's 9' and 8' with a 1' flat. Seems Maximum Edge keeps the details pretty close to their chest. I know from talking to a shop they can't do a 981 on steel that is out of the holder. Steel must be in the holder so they can find the balance point of the boot for positioning of the flat spot.

New to profiling so take all the above with a grain of salt, I've only just been reading up on this lately.


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So I may be out to lunch on this but why would the balance point of the boot matter?  The balance point of the skater matters and different skater in the same boot can have very different postures, skating styles, etc.

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4 minutes ago, BenBreeg said:

So I may be out to lunch on this but why would the balance point of the boot matter?  The balance point of the skater matters and different skater in the same boot can have very different postures, skating styles, etc.


I don't know. I brought a new set of steel still in the Step package into the shop and he said he was afraid he'd fool it up without the steel being in the holder to find the balance point. He said if he doesn't hit the point exactly it will really mess up the skater's balance. 

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12 hours ago, colins said:


I don't know. I brought a new set of steel still in the Step package into the shop and he said he was afraid he'd fool it up without the steel being in the holder to find the balance point. He said if he doesn't hit the point exactly it will really mess up the skater's balance. 

Does it have to be the actual skate its going to end up mounted in, or will any skate do?

Because a trip to Play it Again for some ragged out boots might help if its the 2nd one.


(Who frankly doesn't like the super secret squirrel approach to these types of things though and would use this as a motivation to move to a profile you can get actual specs for, but still...)

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13 hours ago, colins said:


I don't know. I brought a new set of steel still in the Step package into the shop and he said he was afraid he'd fool it up without the steel being in the holder to find the balance point. He said if he doesn't hit the point exactly it will really mess up the skater's balance. 

I imagine they use the old Blademaster or Blackstone balance finding hardware to find the balance point. Those devices need the boot in order to find the balance point. Id share pics but I can't find any for either of them. Blackstone stopped making their tool a long time ago. Not sure if Blademaster still does. @JR Boucicaut would likely know.

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On 9/29/2020 at 10:15 AM, SkateWorksPNW said:

I imagine they use the old Blademaster or Blackstone balance finding hardware to find the balance point. Those devices need the boot in order to find the balance point. Id share pics but I can't find any for either of them. Blackstone stopped making their tool a long time ago. Not sure if Blademaster still does. @JR Boucicaut would likely know.

Maximum Edge's method is different that way - they use the individual templates to make their marks.  They don't use boot gauges.

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On 9/29/2020 at 9:27 AM, marka said:

(Who frankly doesn't like the super secret squirrel approach to these types of things though and would use this as a motivation to move to a profile you can get actual specs for, but still...)

You just described Maximum Edge to a T.

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On 9/29/2020 at 10:57 AM, marka said:


Does it have to be the actual skate its going to end up mounted in, or will any skate do?

Because a trip to Play it Again for some ragged out boots might help if its the 2nd one.


(Who frankly doesn't like the super secret squirrel approach to these types of things though and would use this as a motivation to move to a profile you can get actual specs for, but still...)


Yes I kind of came to the same conclusion. There's a Prosharp shop near him so I'm changing direction and getting him to take the StepSteel in for a Quad 1.



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This has been covered but Max edge takes into account the way the holder is mounted to the boot and accounts for some of that variation when centering the profile.  It assumes your skates fit properly as well.  While I approve of the detail, in practice not sure how much it makes a difference.  

the ME guy by me is meticulous and respect his craft and consistency    

I had my original 981 done by Bob himself  at his shop in harrow so that was a cool experience.  I really like the profile as well,  but he wouldn’t confirm it any details about it to me either. 

@JR Boucicaut the only thing inconsistent with the Hudson V is that some places have it as 9-50-10.5 and others at 9.5-50-10.5.  If it’s the latter, that’s what I believe the 981 is. 

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