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2 sticks, same length. One feels way shorter than another?

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I've been playing with a Ribcor Pro PMT 55 flex P29 for a while. This week, I picked up a Jetspeed Pro2 55 flex P29. I cut it to the same exact length as my ribcor. I tried playing with it tonight and it feels like its way shorter. I have to drop my hand much lower now and knee bend deeper than I did before to get the blade to feel like its on the same level as my ribcor.

I was baffled mid game. I went to the bench thinking i must have accidentally cut the new stick much shorter than the old Ribcor. But after checking the length on the bench, they are indeed the same exact height.


How can 2 sticks with the same flex, length, and curve feel like they have such a drastic difference in lie?

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25 minutes ago, Robs789 said:

I've been playing with a Ribcor Pro PMT 55 flex P29 for a while. This week, I picked up a Jetspeed Pro2 55 flex P29. I cut it to the same exact length as my ribcor. I tried playing with it tonight and it feels like its way shorter. I have to drop my hand much lower now and knee bend deeper than I did before to get the blade to feel like its on the same level as my ribcor.

I was baffled mid game. I went to the bench thinking i must have accidentally cut the new stick much shorter than the old Ribcor. But after checking the length on the bench, they are indeed the same exact height.


How can 2 sticks with the same flex, length, and curve feel like they have such a drastic difference in lie?


Did you line them up blade to blade to confirm they are indeed the same lie? Can you take both sticks on the bench and switch shift to shift to confirm it's the stick and not just that maybe you were stiff that day and playing more upright than usual?


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Lie should be the same if both are p29...  U can also put them next to each other just to be sure though. 

They are diff kick point sticks with diff blade technology so maybe that has to do with the difference on feeling ?

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Possibly different balance points / swing weights. I used to be superstitiously insistent on a certain blade lie and stick length combo. Turns out it’s feeling in tune with the swing weight that makes or breaks a stick’s play for me. If other parameters are the same but balance is different, they’ll feel like two very different sticks. It other parameters are different but the balance is what your body expects, those other parameters don’t matter. That’s how it is for me at least.

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1 hour ago, flip12 said:

Possibly different balance points / swing weights. 

4 hours ago, Sniper9 said:

They are diff kick point sticks with diff blade technology so maybe that has to do with the difference on feeling ?

+3 on this concept. Where the weight is distributed and where it flexes might change how it feels for your whole body mechanics. 

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