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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Never quickly re-tie your skates with wet laces!

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A true hockey player. "just tape it"

yet another use for duct tape. :D

well any ways back on topic.

Thats never happend to me but what i do to heal my cuts and stuff i just rinse it off with peroxide and then after that let it dry out and keep it dry, and it seems that it heals faster when i do that.

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thanks for ruining my dinner... just kidding..

ive never seen anything like that.. ive gotten cuts on the tops of my fingers (like hang nail type things) but ive never seen anything like that...

hope your hand heels up soon that cant be fun to play with

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Just got back from my game tonight, it was the first game or practice we've had since I tore up my finger. I put a bandaid over it and then I just put a ton of hockey tape on my finger and played normally, I couldn't even feel it during the game except when I got slashed once, worked out really well but my stick handling was pretty poor because I couldn't get a good grip on the stick since I couldn't wrap my index finger around the shaft.

Thanks guys :D.

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Wow the same thing happened to me yesterday and bang this thread came into my mind.

Its just a lot worse than your's.. its disgusting and i acutally want grab anything.

Even taping doesnt help much since its so deep and big.

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I had a blood wound on one hand from tying my waxed lasces on my vapor XX soph. year. I started using my ring finger for a while to tie my stuff until it healed. Now I have permanant callouses on my pinkys from tying skates. :)

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How do you guys do this? I've never even had mild discomfort when tying my laces.

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I dont really understand how this happens either, it shouldnt have anything to do with hand size...is it because your fingers are slipping on the laces when you pull hard? the worst i've gotten from laces is a small callus on my pinky

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I've gotten caleses (SP?) by lacing up. After time they kill, so I just tape my pinky fingers up while lacing and then take the tape off after I'm done.

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I dont really understand how this happens either, it shouldnt have anything to do with hand size...is it because your fingers are slipping on the laces when you pull hard? the worst i've gotten from laces is a small callus on my pinky

Maybe it's because I don't go pull that hard on my laces.

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i wrap my laces around my hand ,the laces never touch my fingers. when i was trying on skates i sure got some nice lace burn on the side of my hand though ,they started to crack and bleed.

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You may not have experienced this because your laces either aren't wet are aren't waxed, or you aren't tyring your skates frequently enough.

I have used wax laces for the last several years and I've played in 24 hour tounaments where I put on or take off my skates every 90 minutes or so. The more likely answer is I backlace them and don't tie mine nearly as tightly as you guys do. Nor do I have to relace them in the middle of a game. I just don't need it.

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This happens when i'm tugging on the laces to get them tight and my finger just slips right down the lace which takes the skin clean off, I honestly didn't even know it happened until I looked down at my finger and saw it.

I'm more careful when tying my skates now though and this hasn't happened since.

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thats a pretty bad one, id probably suggest putting some aloe on it, if u have an aloe plant thats perfect. just cut a branch off and open it up and just slop it on. i havent had anything that bad but i guess cause i work lace up skates for a living

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You can come over here to lace my skates everytime if you want ^_^

Actually my finger is 'recovering' very quick, thats cool.

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