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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

What is the closest fit to a mako skate that’s not a true

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You could try on the ft4 or hyper lite. They will not be anything like the mako, but that is the closest you'll get. Maybe you can get something from Graf but idk. The only real comp is true

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Whichever fits you... Fit 1 is probably narrower than a mako D, fit 2 is narrower than a mako EE, fit 3 is wider than a mako EE. If you want current skates that feel like mako then you will have to buy true

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22 hours ago, Miller55 said:

Whichever fits you... Fit 1 is probably narrower than a mako D, fit 2 is narrower than a mako EE, fit 3 is wider than a mako EE. If you want current skates that feel like mako then you will have to buy true

I haven't tried on Fit 3 skates, I know older EE Supremes were wider in the heel and mid-foot than a EE Mako, but narrower in the toe cap. EE Supremes felt a little tight in the toe box for me and too loose in the heel, but EE Makos locked in my heel and were super comfortable in the toe box. On the other hand, a D Nexus 800 I tried on felt too wide everywhere (toe box, heel, mid foot). 

Are the Fit 3 Bauer skates wider everywhere vs. a EE Mako or just in the heel and mid-foot like old EE Supremes? I'm not in the market for new Bauer skates at the moment, but your comment piqued my curiosity.

On another note, some people say the True W skates have the widest toe box currently available. I've only worn my converted True 7W skates a few times, but compared to my 8EE Makos, my experience is:

  • The boot depth is the same
  • The True skates have an even tighter heel lock and get a better wrap in the mid-foot using the luggage wrap after baking
  • The number on the skates is a full size different, but in reality, after baking both, the 7W Trues only feel about a quarter size shorter than the 8EE Makos
  • The toe box on the EE Makos feels wider and more comfortable for me - there's a pressure spot for me with the Trues just below the toes (basically the widest part of my forefoot). I love the fit everywhere else, but could use a bit more room there. I've already rebaked them once, I may try spot heating the area and pushing it out and will try lacing the bottom laces looser. I don't know if the spot heating will help since it's in the toe box area. I may need to go with a 7.5W True even though I like the length of the 7W (toes against the cap with zero negative space, but not bent or crushed. There's also some foam on the cap that will probably break in with time giving a mm or two of space. That likely won't help with the width though). I'm also comparing the toe box width of skates that are a full size different from each other though.

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