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P90TM Curve

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On 10/8/2021 at 12:53 PM, VegasHockey said:

I agree with this. My evolution was from a W71 > P14 > P92 > P28 > P90T

My biggest issue with the P28 is the shape of the face. I hate the extremely round toe and prefer a more square shape similar to a P92.

Both P28 and P90T require you to shoot off the toe and both are great for pulling in the puck for toe drags and such.

That being said, I recently tested out a P92 with a P28 curve pattern and liked it a lot. I think that will likely be my next curve pattern.


How are the rockers on the p14 and the w71? I prefer the rocker on a p88 and both of these look flatter than a p92. 

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2 hours ago, malcb33 said:

Old thread I know, but can anyone tell me if the CCM P90TM and True TC6 have the same lie? Are they the clones or slightly different?

The truth is out there....

Both are listed as a 5 but who knows if they are exact or not, same goes for the pattern. 

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11 minutes ago, stick9 said:

The truth is out there....

Both are listed as a 5 but who knows if they are exact or not, same goes for the pattern. 

Thanks, I appreciate the reply. I haven't seen the TC6 available locally to see for myself.

I see them both listed as a 5, but did a bit of research online and read conflicting info, so I was hoping someone here had firsthand experience.


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12 minutes ago, malcb33 said:

Thanks, I appreciate the reply. I haven't seen the TC6 available locally to see for myself.

I see them both listed as a 5, but did a bit of research online and read conflicting info, so I was hoping someone here had firsthand experience.


True's P90tm blade is T90T per their website and per icewarehouse

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