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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Narrow fit gloves

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  On 1/20/2022 at 7:40 PM, Westside said:

Did you go with 13’s when you normally wear 14’s? Every time I’ve sized down in a glove based on other’s recommendation, the fingers are always too short. Was looking at picking up a pair of these as well 

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This is my issue too. But I've never had success sizing down on those who recommend it. Maybe those ppl are in between Sizes and the pro gloves are 1/2 a size bigger which makes a big diff to them. 

Edited by Sniper9

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  On 1/21/2022 at 12:17 AM, Westside said:

There’s a pair of 13’s I’d love to get my hands on, but it’s a pricey mistake if they wind up being too small

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Are you set on the pros? The retails are always on sale now. Also the ft390 which are the model down but more or less the Same. 

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Are the prostock ft1's called "FT1"?  I'm not seeing anything like that on PSH.  Its all HGCLP, or HG12, or whatever.


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  On 1/21/2022 at 3:32 PM, marka said:


Are the prostock ft1's called "FT1"?  I'm not seeing anything like that on PSH.  Its all HGCLP, or HG12, or whatever.


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No, they're marked JS for Jetspeed. So HGJS or HGPJS which is what was on mine.

Remember, they identify the product line, not the model withing the line.

Edited by stick9

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  On 1/21/2022 at 5:53 PM, stick9 said:

No, they're marked JS for Jetspeed. So HGJS or HGPJS which is what was on mine.

Remember, they identify the product line, not the model withing the line.

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It is complicated and often depends on the glove. Usually they do detail the specific model in the name but there are a few that aren't (HGTK is another). But then they identified the next one which was HGST (SuperTacks).

@marka I think you have me on Facebook, or at least you are on the MSH Discord. So if you are looking at a specific glove or have questions hit me up on those and I'll help out as I can.

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