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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer XX vs. XXX epinion

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Ok guys, I'm new to this so I hope I'm doing this right. I really enjoy reading the input from everyone here which helps guide me with equipment decisions. This link for epinion has an interesting review on the Vapor XXX skates. Of course I enjoy the authors style as well. Hope this helps.

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His statement on Nike is wrong, though. Nike didn't make skates before they bought Bauer and the purchase of Canstar was not to improve Nike skates but to get Nike into the hockey market.

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oh i just saw his little Latin translation and hyro isnt from latin at all... the latin word for water is aqua.

It's greek

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I like how he reviewed skates that he doesn't even use. After reading all of his stuff I don't really give his reviews any weight.

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What is funny is he bashes Bauer for having faulty skates and then praises CCM for getting things right. If I had a dollar for all of the Vector skates I have seen with ripped eyelets then I would be a rich man. I know not all CCM's have had this problem but thay aren't as great as this guy makes them out to be either.

Buy what fits you and what you like. A million reviews can't tell you as much as you can learn in one good fitting session at your LHS.

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What is funny is he bashes Bauer for having faulty skates and then praises CCM for getting things right.  If I had a dollar for all of the Vector skates I have seen with ripped eyelets then I would be a rich man.


I'll take a ripped eyelet over a broken down boot any day of the week ;)

Honestly, we haven't seen many eyelets failing on the Vectors here. but that's just part of life. I've had an eyelet come off almost every pair of skates I own. I wonder though if humidity might have something to do with it. I'm in a very dry part of the country where people's gear dries out between uses. I know in humid areas having perpetually wet skates will certainly lower durability. Let me know, I'd be more than happy to update the Vector review with that info.



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Ripped out eyelets and lacebite are the two biggest problems with CCM skates around here.

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Interesting observation on CCM lace bite. Just had a bantam player get lace bite. Can you say CCM 952? Hmmmm.........

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Well, he is right about the vapor XX's from 2 years ago all going out with crooked blades. I saw a boat load of them being repaired at the authorized bauer repair shop. The funny thing was, a lot of the local dealers denied there was any problem!

Bauer did solve the most important thing, they redesigned the heel area so you do not get the Bauer bump anymore. I think that was the last major redesign. Everything is incremental.

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Interesting observation on CCM lace bite. Just had a bantam player get lace bite. Can you say CCM 952? Hmmmm.........

I loved my 98 or so 852s, hated the next version of the 952s. Usually the problem is with the Vectors causing lace bite around here, Grafs are second on that.

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Interesting observation on CCM lace bite. Just had a bantam player get lace bite. Can you say CCM 952? Hmmmm.........

I loved my 98 or so 852s, hated the next version of the 952s. Usually the problem is with the Vectors causing lace bite around here, Grafs are second on that.

Never had a lacebite issue with either my E-50's or later E-60's

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Interesting observation on CCM lace bite. Just had a bantam player get lace bite. Can you say CCM 952? Hmmmm.........

I loved my 98 or so 852s, hated the next version of the 952s. Usually the problem is with the Vectors causing lace bite around here, Grafs are second on that.

That's interesting and good to know. Most of the lace bite problems out here have been from Easton skates. I've seen very few in Vectors and none in Grafs. I do see a few guys getting a callous welt on their big toe in the Grafs but that’s been the only recurring issue here.


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ive seen people get lace bite on any skate, i find that people who purchase skates on a whim and arent properly fitted will buy a skate either too deep or not deep enough for there foot and this can cause alot of pain on the top of the foot.

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Don't know if this is a coincidence but a lot of the lace bite that I see is from guys using wax laces. Most of the skates being designed now are to allow forward flex during the stride. do you guys think that the wax laces might added some pressure to the top of the foot. Just wanted to get some opinions

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Don't know if this is a coincidence but a lot of the lace bite that I see is from guys using wax laces. Most of the skates being designed now are to allow forward flex during the stride. do you guys think that the wax laces might added some pressure to the top of the foot. Just wanted to get some opinions

if the person overly tightens them then yes this would cause some sort of pain on the top of the foot because a wax lace does not give like a regular set of laces

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Don't know if this is a coincidence but a lot of the lace bite that I see is from guys using wax laces. Most of the skates being designed now are to allow forward flex during the stride. do you guys think that the wax laces might added some pressure to the top of the foot. Just wanted to get some opinions

I always use wax laces and no skate I've ever had has been "perfect" in terms of depth and I have never had lace bite.

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Well, he is right about the vapor XX's from 2 years ago all going out with crooked blades. I saw a boat load of them being repaired at the authorized bauer repair shop. The funny thing was, a lot of the local dealers denied there was any problem!

Bauer did solve the most important thing, they redesigned the heel area so you do not get the Bauer bump anymore. I think that was the last major redesign. Everything is incremental.

What Bauer bump are you talking about ? Because I had major heel problems with my left skate on my Vapor XXX's when I had them. That was the reason I had to get rid of them :rolleyes: . Didn't have that problem with the XX's I had before the XXX, but they fell apart in like a year :lol: .

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