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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

2024-2025 Gear Sightings

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Saw this on the Spittin Chiclets IG. New Vapor 10s??? Maybe a limited edition like the 692 Tacks? Anyone know anything about these?




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They look like a Bauer boot that has been painted by a third party to me. I also wouldn’t imagine Bauer would launch something like that in Europe and not N.A.

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These refreshes keep enshittifying the cosmetics of iconic skates. 652, Air Accel (not “Excel” like @justdohockey posted last week) Elite, Vapor 10. They just look awful compared to the originals and today’s skates. Any other available option would look better.

Edited by flip12

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11 hours ago, flip12 said:

These refreshes keep enshittifying the cosmetics of iconic skates. 652, Air Accel (not “Excel” like @justdohockey posted last week) Elite, Vapor 10. They just look awful compared to the originals and today’s skates. Any other available option would look better.

Brands are running out of ideas for cosmetic design. There is only so much you can do to a hockey skate to make it look unique without adding too much weight or providing a diminishing value. Even brands like TRUE are going to start removing the "jewel" from most of their skates moving forward. I think a graphics/color package is really the only thing they can do to "spice" things up and with CCM going down the road of "retro" for skates, and Bauer doing itfor sticks, I would imagine they are now looking to do the same for skates. 

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16 minutes ago, VegasHockey said:

Brands are running out of ideas for cosmetic design. There is only so much you can do to a hockey skate to make it look unique without adding too much weight or providing a diminishing value. Even brands like TRUE are going to start removing the "jewel" from most of their skates moving forward. I think a graphics/color package is really the only thing they can do to "spice" things up and with CCM going down the road of "retro" for skates, and Bauer doing itfor sticks, I would imagine they are now looking to do the same for skates. 

But what about the PE acquisition? Can you share some links to that? I tried searching but nothing comes up. I can only find articles on CCM’s sale last year.

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