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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

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Sucks you are having issues, but I'm going to guess for every bad experience, like yours, there are tons of people who have no issues.  I've had 4 pairs of Trues in my house over the last 3 or so years and never had an issues with the tendon guards on either the TF or Catalyst lines.  I've had other issues with carbon durability, but never with tendon guards or rivets.  I also make sure I take footbeds out and dry them well.  How does a rivet not keep the guard on?  What happens?

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Have you tried the flex tendon guards?  The ones that come on the Cats?  It almost sounds like the rigid guards on the custom skates aren't a good match to the high level players in your area (longer strides with lots of toe flick I'd imagine).  It sounds like the guard is getting pushed beyond its flex point skate after skate and the rivet/screw is the weak link, loosens up and eventually fails.  That gets compounded by the rivet retention issue they've had with their holders and you keep getting failures.  I know the guard on my TF skates (screwed in) loosens up ever few skates and I just take a second to tighten it up.  But I'm hardly a big strong 17 year old.  I know my old billet had 2 pairs of custom Trues he would swap out during the season of Juniors he was with us.  But that is likely cost prohibitive for most folks.  What about copper rivets?  That seems to solve the issue with the holder.  Way more of a pain to install, but usually pretty bulletproof.  

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I know they reinforced the tendon guard with the newest Catalyst line so maybe that'll address the issue.

Like Kris said, I've also owned 4 different True skates and have not had a single issue with the tendon guard rivet. I have had 2 shells crack and have had to replace about a dozen rivets amongst them, but that's it. Have 3 other guys on my team with SVH/TF9 and I'm not aware of a single issue with tendon guards on their skates. A good amount of players in my Friday league wear various True models and I've never seen one of them skate with a broken tendon guard.

I'm not saying the problems don't happen because I've read enough stories that they do, but it seems crazy that your little pocket of players seem to have the issue constantly. Curious why the nut/bolt repair didn't work for you? That's something that should be easy enough to check tightness if it's loose and you can easily throw a spare nut/bolt into your bag in case it sheers off while playing.

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2 minutes ago, Monty22 said:

I believe the new Cat lineup for this year has integrated tendon guards

On the new 2024 Cat the tendon is removable, but the rivet is covered... 

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1 hour ago, Healthyscratch said:

There is no reason why a $1200 skate should have tendon guards falling off at the rate they do on True skates. Virtually everyone I know, who has AAA hockey players is looking to move away from these skates - because this has been happening for years. 

Not only do they fall off, but when you go to have them riveted back on - they don’t last one skate. I’ve reached out to pure hockey - I’ve reached out to True (in the past; now I see they have no direct line; wonder why; sarcasm) and the answer was to send the skates back to True to have the tendon guards riveted back on. Which you can imagine, isn’t reasonable for people playing hockey at the pace some do. Especially if you are in US and the skates have to go through customs.

Here we are as I speak, at my son’s first junior camp - and dealing with duct taping and trying to screw/nut a tendon guard on. Which is a band aid. 

This is my final attempt to find some kind of solution to these skates. Pure hockey can’t help, I’ve had them riveted by people who know what they’re doing as well - True seemingly can’t help in a reasonable way..

It’s been 6 years of various issues, quality issues,  but when they work right - they’re the best… I get that. Simply put, when you aren’t having issues - one of the best skates out there. However… True just can’t seem to make a skate with a tendon guard that’s attached like everyone else has been doing for 15+ years. I’m not being dramatic, even the hockey stores around us are trying to push people away from these skates. 

The times of dealt with true or got someone on the line  - they’ve never been helpful and they act like it’s a surprise - yet again - virtually everyone I know has been having this same issue with these skates. I know they went from that screw in the last SVH version, to a basic rivet. The guards are still falling off…. And nobody can seem to get them back on right. 

Do they have enough profit from the pro’s that they can just blatantly continue to sell a defective product to the general public without care? Honest question. Off all the thing that could go wrong with a skate, a tendon guard falling off, then seemingly not being able to be reapplied by anyone but True… is a really stupid way to lose business… 

is it time to throw in the towel on this company? I was willing to deal with it in AAA hockey - though it’s always in the back of your mind when on a weekend trip…”are these things going to fail” (they do; out of nowhere). With my son moving on to higher levels, these things are just flat out unreliable. Is there a fix? Am I missing something? Is something going to change? Happy to readdress this post if so. 

Totally understand you are frustrated, but there are plenty of players at all levels, AA/AAA and at the professional level, that use TRUE skates. In all of my years of owning many pairs, I have never had a tendon fall off, though I did have more than my fair share of holders break internally on the first generation SHIFT holders. 

Sounds to me like whomever has been trying to "fix" your tendon isn't doing a good job, even if you feel they are skilled. 

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I really need to disallow subject line editing... I wish there was some intelligent way to prevent people from doing all of this (editing every post to just be ".", for example. 

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