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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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Modern replacement for Graf Ultra G35 skates

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Howdy, long time lurker with a question.

I bought Graf G35's in 2008 or so and have loved them. Sadly, the rivet nuts on one heel are pulling through the boot. I am going to try and repair it, but the patient may be a goner.

The G35's replaced Graf Supra 705's, which were a great pair of skates, but were probably not the right Graf skate for my high arch and the bulbous bone on the top of my foot. Suffered a bit of pain and some lace bite. I eventually learned that not wearing socks made the 705's fit better. 

Before the 705's, I ran through a pair of CCM 1052's. Very poor quality, and they felt too spacious (probably 1/2 size too big). Before that I had Bauer 1000's that were way too narrow. 

What is a good modern replacement? I have pretty high arches, and fairly wide feet, especially in the toebox. I have looked at the modern Graf lineup, but they don't seem to gear specific models to a certain shape of foot like they used to. When I got fitted for my G35's, the salesman said that my narrow heal called for a 703.

I am a 53 year old decent, but rapidly aging player. My preferred cut is a FBV 100/75. Probably doesn't make sense to spend top dollar, but not looking for budget skates either.




Edited by BigH
typo and added a sentence

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Would like prefer to stay in Grafs? Graf still makes skates but I am unfamiliar with the models and would would be closest to what you currently have for fit.

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