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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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For those who got a stealth

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I just wanted to see how everyone who received a stealth in the toy drive promotion was enjoying the stick. I got mine a few days ago and have played about 4 hours with it and initial impressions are excellent. The stick is incredibly light but more than that, the balance on it is phenomenal. The best part is definitely the way it feels when taking snapshots, absolutely fantastic. I have to say, at this point I'm really impressed with what Easton has done with this stick. We'll see if I still feel that way in a few weeks...

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I really like the stick, but the Sakic curve just isn't for me and to be honest I just don't want to adapt.

Did the Sakic curve look different to you? The (Stealth) ones I've seen in the store has the curve breaking (seemingly) closer to the heel than what I remembered the Sakic curve being in the past (on other models).

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I love the feel of stealths, but I couldn't get used to the modano curve on mine. If they had an Yzerman.............

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I received mine. I normally use Drury-ish curves, and I got a Modano. I absolutely love the stick, but I've only used it a few times. Some of the logos are peeling off, so that sucks, but besides that, no complaints.

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I love the feel of stealths, but I couldn't get used to the modano curve on mine. If they had an Yzerman.............

I think they are having a curve called the "Gaborik" which is similiar to the Easton Yzerman, but the lie on the Gaborik will be a 5.5.

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I have never had a stick so good. I dont know why all these people keep on saying that it's terrible. The only problem with it is that there is a little bit to much swing in my slapshot due to the lightness. But the stickhandling is the best and the wrist and snap shot are awesome. If you got the money buy it.

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I thought it played to light. Also the 100 flex which is really more like 80 was a bit to whippy for my likeing. I was suprised that the feel was so good though. I think I would like it alot more if the blade was longer (Modano is so short, hard to get the puck rolling) and if the flex was a little stiffer (atleast 95).

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The weight of the stick i soo light its almost too light in my opinion.

I honestly like my synergy more than my stealth. My slapshots seem to be heavier and quicker with my synergy.

I don't know what it is but mine doesnt feel right to me.

If my stealth breaks I would not buy another one. I'd do back to a synergy.

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