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Shoulder Pads

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I am looking for new shoulder pads that have great shoulder protection along with great all around mobility.

I have dislocated my shoulder 2x, so protection is a must.

I was very interested in the Jofa 9800's, but I don't know if they will be too bulky and restrictive for me...

Any input would be great.

Thanks lads.

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I am looking for new shoulder pads that have great shoulder protection along with great all around mobility.

I have dislocated my shoulder 2x, so protection is a must.

I was very interested in the Jofa 9800's, but I don't know if they will be too bulky and restrictive for me...

Any input would be great.

Thanks lads.

Dude, there aren't many (any?) shoulder pads that will prevent (or reduce risk, for that matter) shoulder dislocations.

There are several that have clavical protectors, spine proctectors, and the like - but something that prevents dislocations? None, that I know of.

However, I popped mine out dozens of times and ended up requiring surgery to fix the shoulder instability problem I developed.

While researching stuff post surgery, I discovered this which you might also consider: http://www.braceint.com/max_body.htm

I have one, and it seems to be helping while I am building my shoulder strength back up. Fits right under my shoulder pads (only thing I don't like is that the bodice isn't quite big enough - squeezes pretty tight around the chest and makes it hard to breath).

Only bummer is that they only take orders from a doc. I got mine to call it in. Reasonably inexpensive (considering it's a medical brace) at about $150.

Good luck.

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I know that no shoulder pad will prevent dislocation, I just want something with great protection around the shoulders.

i.e. Jofas.

I think I'm going to go with the Jofas unless maybe the Lightspeeds are better? I was also looking at the THG Vapors. How are they?

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I use the Nike V-10s. While I realise they offer a little less area of coverage, the protection where there is... well, it's great.

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I'd recommend some Itechs.

Normally I would disagree but the new ones are very nice. The shoulder cap is held in place very well and the 990 and 660 are quite light.

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