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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rusting of Synergy steel?

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I went to play a game this evening, and when I grabbed my Synergys, I noticed that the bottom surface of the steel had a pretty good bit of rust on it. There were little rusted sections the entire way along the blade. I was just wondering if anyone else has had this problem? This was maybe the 2nd or 3rd time I've noticed this now and I don't really understand why it's happening. I dry my skates off pretty well after using them and take extra care to dry the steel. You'd think that they could throw a decent set of runners on a $700 skate wouldn't you?

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Easton skimped on the amount of nickel in their steel mixture, so they will rust very quick. You must dry them very well. I have two customers, both brothers, both with this skate. When they bring them in, one pair is covered with rust, the other fairly rust free. One obviously drys them well, the other not.

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Do you put some kind of protectors on your steel after using the skates ?

Soakers/covers are good for transporting your skates, but make sure that once you're home you take them off and dry your blades off good. The cloth will soak up moisture (That's why they call them "soakers") and can cause the blades to rust.

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Bauer blades rust a little too! They all say they are stainless steel, but true stainless steel will not attract a magnet. If the magnet sticks, it ain't stainless!

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This happens with my Airs too. The problem is the sharpener used to shapen skates at your LHS is used to sharpen ever pair thats moseis on in. So the people with the carbon steel (not stainless like most people have) the carbon steel is rubbed off on the grinder so when your skates go to get sharpened it rubs off on your skates. The problem is nothing to do with your blades it is rusting residue from skate sharpenings that don't use stainless steel.

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the bauer blades on my XXs rusted a lot until i got the bauer soakers (blue and black ones)... those things are great. they didnt rust at all after i got them.

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This happens with my Airs too. The problem is the sharpener used to shapen skates at your LHS is used to sharpen ever pair thats moseis on in. So the people with the carbon steel (not stainless like most people have) the carbon steel is rubbed off on the grinder so when your skates go to get sharpened it rubs off on your skates. The problem is nothing to do with your blades it is rusting residue from skate sharpenings that don't use stainless steel.

Nope. I have dressed the wheel prior to sharpening Grafs and seen no reduction in the amount of rusting on skates that sit in soakers for days at a time.

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i think it just has to do with you drying your skates properly. if you bought a pair of $700 skates, it usually means that you're willing to take care of them as if they are a high end skate, so make sure you dry them. expecting for your skates to be completely rust free is like a ferrari owner expecting to not need to change engine oil

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