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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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All time favorite song

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I could seriously fill about 10 pages of my favorite songs of all time.. but here are some that come to mind:

Failure - the nurse who loved me

U2 - Pride/in the name of love

Massive Attack - Teardrop

Van Halen - Unchained

Ned's Atomic Dustbin - You don't want to do that (or anything by them)



Your all-time favorite song is 'Rock of Ages' from Def Leppard's Pyromania album. I caught you singing it just yesterday.

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Your all-time favorite song is 'Rock of Ages' from Def Leppard's Pyromania album. I caught you singing it just yesterday.

What can I say... I want Rock and Roll..

you betcha

Ladies and gentlemen.. my freakin' wife

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Damn, telling people that your husband likes Def Leppard?  That's cold.

Don't let her fool you Ben, this woman can recite every lyric on any of the first 3 Def Lepperd albums.. probably forwards and backwards.

..and she likes Tears for Fears

plus, I was singing "too late for love" anyway!

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Damn you, now I have "everybody wants to rule the world" in my head. Damn you and damn Dennis Miller

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Damn, telling people that your husband likes Def Leppard?  That's cold.

Don't let her fool you Ben, this woman can recite every lyric on any of the first 3 Def Lepperd albums.. probably forwards and backwards.

..and she likes Tears for Fears

plus, I was singing "too late for love" anyway!

(not only does he like def leppard -- he likes duran duran and has sung 'hungry like a wolf' while taking a shower)

What the hell is wrong with Tears for Fears?! Sure, they're a little gay... but not as GAY as Hall & Oates *cough*geki*cough*

Plus, I'm a chick. I can get away with listening to tears for fears. What's your excuse, dear?

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As I wave my way thru all the dirty laundry being aired, my first concert was Def Leppard. So what if I was 7 and held my ears shut.

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As I wave my way thru all the dirty laundry being aired, my first concert was Def Leppard. So what if I was 7 and held my ears shut.

haha, not bad for a first concert! Holding the ears, that's priceless!

...see why I love this woman?

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As I wave my way thru all the dirty laundry being aired, my first concert was Def Leppard.  So what if I was 7 and held my ears shut.

haha, not bad for a first concert! Holding the ears, that's priceless!

...see why I love this woman?

Someone to share your love of awful crap-rock with? Lemme guess, you also love Whitesnake?

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As I wave my way thru all the dirty laundry being aired, my first concert was Def Leppard.  So what if I was 7 and held my ears shut.

haha, not bad for a first concert! Holding the ears, that's priceless!

...see why I love this woman?

I think there should be more husband/wife posting pairs on MSH....could be interesting.

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Ha someone told me a pretty funny joke.

What has Seven arms and sucks?

Def Leppard

I like def leppards music and all but that guy didn't so....................

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Welcome to My Record- Hellogoodbye

Bowl of Oranges- Bright Eyes

December Days- The Rocket Summer

Just Once- Boys Night Out

Hurricane- Something Corporate

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"Wind of Change"- Scorpions. Yes, they have other songs besides "Rock You Like A Hurricane", plus the rock whistle kills Jethro Tull's rock flute.

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Sorry for bringin back an old topic but i'd like to add this as one of my fsvourite songs of all time.

Bob Dylan- Like a Rolling Stone

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Sorry for bringin back an old topic but i'd like to add this as one of my fsvourite songs of all time.

Bob Dylan- Like a Rolling Stone

One of the most widely covered songs of all time. I think I have 10 different versions of it.

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