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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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i need skaters in vegas

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i just found out about this place from a goaile bb i belong to. i have a team built to go to the las vegas hockey classic in las vegas march 17-20, but i had 2 people bail and im having a hard time finding extras. were playing in novice "c" division it should be alot of fun. anyone want to play??

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i just found out about this place from a goaile bb i belong to. i have a team built to go to the las vegas hockey classic in las vegas march 17-20, but i had 2 people bail and im having a hard time finding extras. were playing in novice "c" division it should be alot of fun. anyone want to play??

What's your or this situation's at least, definition of "novice C" level?

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Next year, the 1st annual ModSquadHockey Invitational Golf and Hockey tournament...get ready, boys...

Are you kidding around, or is this seriously in the works? You mention hockey: I'm there. You mention golf: that only sweetens the deal. The only question in this: Where is it I would be going?

I think something like that would make the board a little more personable, too.

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That's great JR, I was gonna ask on the board if the Mods ever thought of having an MSH weekend and some pick up games or something.............

I see spikeypuck, but some people are still at different skill levels even after that amount of time...............are you talking the kind of players that might play after work to unwind or players that are out to prove something?

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Next year, the 1st annual ModSquadHockey Invitational Golf and Hockey tournament...get ready, boys...

Are you kidding around, or is this seriously in the works? You mention hockey: I'm there. You mention golf: that only sweetens the deal. The only question in this: Where is it I would be going?

I think something like that would make the board a little more personable, too.

I'm serious.

Just don't expect to get into the show...

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im just looking for people who wnat to win but if we dont can still go kick it and have fun cause well be in vegas afterall. prob the more relaxed i guess

I'll come if you can fly me out there, of course my skills will be worth the trouble. haha

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