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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Where should I take my Pure Fly's for new holders?

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I took a slapper off the toe and it cracked the holder. I live in South central Pennsylvania and need a reputable shop to swap out the holders. i don't want a hack job! I'll mail 'em somewhere if I have to! I just want it done right.

I'm also looking for recommendations on which holder to put on 'em. Pitch? Lightspeeds?

Thanks in advance for any help.


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When I bought mine, I got them from www.cupolosports.com and they did it right there. They did a REALLY nice job too. I dunno how JR could be any better, but from what I've heard he's a champ at it. I'd personally go with JR if you want to mail it, otherwise see if Chadd could do it.

EDIT - BTW I got Lightspeeds on them from Cupolo.

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Chadd's shop is in Lancaster.

Prolly too far to drive (2 hours at least) After some thought I realized that I like the F-Pro holders just fine. Wonder if they're available?

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Jeff - I can take care of you.

I highly recommend JR for any holder change/repair. I also absolutely love the PITCH holders.

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Chadd's shop is in Lancaster.

Prolly too far to drive (2 hours at least) After some thought I realized that I like the F-Pro holders just fine. Wonder if they're available?

Where are you, Gettysburg or farther west?

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Hey Chadd, off the hockey topic but do you ever go the B&B Amish discount grocery store in Quarryville? I miss that place, groceries 10 cents on the dollar.

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Hey Chadd, off the hockey topic but do you ever go the B&B Amish discount grocery store in Quarryville? I miss that place, groceries 10 cents on the dollar.

Never been there. I grew up in Williamsport and tend to stick to the more populated areas now. Good thing there's not much traffic or it would take more than my normal 45 minutes to get here every day.

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Chadd's shop is in Lancaster.

Prolly too far to drive (2 hours at least) After some thought I realized that I like the F-Pro holders just fine. Wonder if they're available?

Where are you, Gettysburg or farther west?

I'm a good half hour west of Gettysburg. My sons team is playing near DC today so I think I'll take them to a shop I know in Rockville. We'll be back down there next weekend so I can pick them up then. Till then I have my old Nike arch-busters to use. Hope I don't get plantar fascitis again, tho. :(

Thanks for all the help, guys.

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They're expensive.

I'm not surprised. There's not many options around here. They do holder replacement at the rink in Frederick (1/2 hour drive) but those butchers will never touch another pair of my skates! (long story)

If the Hockey Stop turns out to be more $$$ than I wanna spend then I'll ship 'em to you. Thanks again for the help/info.

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welp, I called the Hockey Stop and they'd have to order anything I need so I'm thinking send 'em to JR. Could you please email me with your address/contact info and a price on a)replacing both F-Pro holders with the same b)relacing with Lightspeeds w/non-perf steel and sharpening to 3/8". Size is 288. Thanks, Jeff W


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