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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Just got the SyNergy SL

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no, Gaborik is the HUGE, Yzerman-like curve with a different lie.

The Forsberg name will eventually replace the Modano name.

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no, Gaborik is the HUGE, Yzerman-like curve with a different lie.

The Forsberg name will eventually replace the Modano name.

Word on the street is that they wil replace the Easton Modano with the Forseberg next year. As for the Gaborik isnt in the same curve as the Easton Yzerman with a 5.5 lie?

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no, Gaborik is the HUGE, Yzerman-like curve with a different lie.

The Forsberg name will eventually replace the Modano name.

Word on the street is that they wil replace the Easton Modano with the Forseberg next year. As for the Gaborik isnt in the same curve as the Easton Yzerman with a 5.5 lie?

A kid on my team got a Forseberg for a warranty replacment and it is EXACTLY like a modano

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I also picked up an SL (85 Flex/Drury) from BTM. Have to agree with some of Yglod's initial impressions. At 420 grams the stick feels just as light as my XN10. The balance is exceptional as is the performance. I've used it a couple of times and the only problem I had was on 1 one-timer where I missed the sweet spot and got a pretty good vibration along the shaft (Stung my hands). Durability remains to be seen, but so far I'm well beyond the 20 minutes that Chadd got. The blue does chip easily. Maybe there’s a market for OPS touch up paint?

SL Chipping 1

SL Chipping 2

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Its pretty much just easton, likely the formula they use for the new metallic paint. Another brownie point for the marketing dept. The sticks look gorgeous on the shelf. Metallic Paint = Sparkling Eyes for the Young'ns

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mojo122, that's exactly how my Stealth Grip chips. Easton needs to start putting a clear coat over it or something to protect it.... <_<

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Dude, you're WAY off...

Marketing is what Easton does best.

How do you become the hottest brand in hockey?

Make it up. :)

You guys are such tools.

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Easton makes a phenomenal stick, but their marketing team leaves A LOT to be desired.

I don't know what you're talking about man. Their marketing department is top notch. The brand name recognition of the synergy is immense. Kids automatically refer to a synergy when looking at OPS's even if they haven't looked/played with any other OPS's. They may be the Microsoft of the stick market but they know their stuff.

11/10 rating . . . Embarrisingly retared IMO. And according to Easton Marketing the Stealth stick will get you more goals: More Speed + More Control= More Goals. Some people are so naive.

If you are a sheep than Eastons Marketing Team's cliche's and farcical advertising will surely work on you. Hocus . . . Pocus.

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I'm not trying to pick a fight, but am I the only one tired of Modo's constant bickering/condescending attitude towards everyone on the board?

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Okay, dumbass...

You're calling me a tool, but I have NEVER bought an Easton OPS in my life. Guess who has? Repeatedly? So wouldn't that make YOU the tool, not me?

Now if you were to look at my post again, you would be able to tell that I somewhat agree with you. They do a good job marketing their product. I didn't bash them for it, I am merely giving them credit.

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I'm not trying to pick a fight, but am I the only one tired of Modo's constant bickering/condescending attitude towards everyone on the board?

I tend to see him as a village idiot...its cute. :)

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The irony of the situation is that he will be the first in line for a 10.5/10 performance rated SL once they are officially released. Am I a sheep to eastons marketing dept because I use there sticks? Absolutely not. If you like the feel of something, use it, regardless of whether or not its stamped performance 30/10 and claims to give you a Joe Sakic release.

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Every other post on Corebeam by the Mods was bashing Easton, orange stick jokes, we hate Easton Inno rules, blah blah blah, ect . . . for two plus years. Now on this board Ryan joins, there's a few toys for Stealth drives, and Easton comes out with a new line-up and all the Mods are on the Easton band wagon and everyone follows.

It's just funny that when I defended Easton two+ years ago there were four mods and 100 corebeamers hitting me over the head, and maybe a dozen guys who agreed with me. Now I say something negative about the Marketing Department and you guys are doing a 180 and defending Easton, and of course all the guys that were bashing Easton are now loving them. I won't say my theory as to why this is so, but I just find it very funny. Hence the "tool" remark.

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I'm not trying to pick a fight, but am I the only one tired of Modo's constant bickering/condescending attitude towards everyone on the board?

I tend to see him as a village idiot...its cute. :)

I like to think of myself as the voice of reason. Everyone seems to be so afraid to have an opinion that goes against the grain. And I am not talking about different personal preferences, or just writing something to get reaction. I mean I think there are a lot of people who read a topic and go to write something, but don't, because it is against the "Popular Opinion" of the Mods and/or board, or the Manufacturer Sponsors who frequent the boards.

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Maybe the Mods had a valid reason to bash Easton back then. The 2003 stick line flat out sucked, I don't care what you say. And this is comming from someone who has been using Easton exclusively since i'm about 4 years old. I don't even think JR uses one piece of Easton equipment, yet you claim he is all of a sudden kissing the companies feet. Simply put, they are releasing better products. If mission released a skate that wasn't up to their typical quality standards, I'm sure JR would be the first to comment on it.

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