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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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adding grip

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hey------i'm planning on adding grip to a shaft by rubbing tape on it. If I use black cloth tape, there will be black marks, and with white cloth tape, there will be white marks. I was thinking maybe just clear shin guard tape, or electrical tape. any suggenstions?


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I don't know about clear tape, but if you're worried about aesthetics and removeability I would definitely stay away from electrical tape. The white tape rub doesn't stay white for long.

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Gorilla grip, same stuff used on baseball bats and tennis rackets adds a nice grip to a hockey stick, does not discolor nor leave residue and comes off eventually. Should be available at any place that sells serious tennis stuff

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i just put the polyurethane they use on floors on the shaft of my stick and it feels awesome. im not sure how it affects my gloves though but it hasnt screwed them up yet after about 3 ice times

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I use white when I do that tape thing. After one session the color of the tape residue turns red (color of my palms) so don't worry about you palms getting messed up with using white.

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i picked mine up at home hardware. you can get it at any hardware store. it think its in the paint section and if i remember correctly it think it comes in a spray can too.

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does Polyurethane give you like a rubbery grip like easton sticks or does it just decrease slipperyness. I remember JR said that it just made it less slippery in a previous thread

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