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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Super Bowl XXXIX

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I guess it's time for predictions, I'm going with the Pats with a 20 to 13 score.

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That's what I was going with and also got those numbers in our pool, so I'd be happy if it were even 24-17 or 24-7.

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I'm not gonna predict a score, because I'm always wrong about this type of stuff, but I will say that that was the worst coin "flip" that I've ever seen. Anyone else see it?

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Did the coin even flip, or just spin? I'll take it nonetheless.

BTW:Thanks Sean.

It didn't flip. That's why I put quotation marks around flip in my post, because you can't exactly call it a flip. It's not gonna have an outcome on the final score, I just thought it was pretty funny. So far the game has been a big surprise to me.

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That flip made me laugh so hard. It didnt even spin once. As said before, it never even went past the kids head. The coin was so huge, I'm pretty sure it was bigger than his ears. :P

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