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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Question on skates

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I know they have both been reviewed and I searched but too many responses came up. Anyways im in the market for new skates as my seaosn is done this weekend and i broek the steel on my 2 yr old vapor xxs, and had to go back to my old vapor 10s which im wearing now. anywya shere's my dilema. I have a choice between xxs and xxxs both for cheap (xxxs slightly more expensive but not a lot).

anways i plan on keeping my new skates for the same amount of time i had xxs,and was jsut woderign what you guys think i should get, being thta i cant try on the xxxs but i assume same fit

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You would think the XXX would fit the same as XX, but Cavs went down in size .

(I think he said he went down a half size)

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I was a 9.5 EE in vapor xx, and Im a 9 EE in vapor xxx.

I think it is true you go down a half size, but like brandon said your best bet is to try them on.

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I have a friend who had the XX's last year and just got the XXX's before Christmas. He loves the XXX's, says they are even lighter than the XX's, which I would assume is not by much. I was told by my LHS that the XXX's are a bit stiffer and lighter, but I guess it would be your preference if you want an even stiffer skate. Can't go wrong with either I think. I love my XX's, but wish they were as comfortable as my Nike PSTK Ignite 1's.

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