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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone have, seen, or felt what the new Hex-1 is like? Just curious.

Pretty light and well balanced. Similar to the Synergy SL I think, I haven't been able to compare them side by side though.

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I have one sitting in my store right now that our Mission rep left for us. The blade has the "honeycomb" pattern showing through. The grip is the same or very similar to the old gold Easton Synergy. It kinda feels a little blade heavy, compared to an M-1..but maybe I'm wrong since I use a cut down stick and we aren't allowed to cut this one. I don't know about how it feels on the ice 'casue we aren't allowed to try it out. :(

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I have one sitting in my store right now that our Mission rep left for us. The blade has the "honeycomb" pattern showing through. The grip is the same or very similar to the old gold Easton Synergy. It kinda feels a little blade heavy, compared to an M-1..but maybe I'm wrong since I use a cut down stick and we aren't allowed to cut this one. I don't know about how it feels on the ice 'casue we aren't allowed to try it out. :(

The ones I saw appeared to have the visible honeycomb on the outside, not showing through.

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I have only seen it, but the stick itself looks awsome, I love the color, and now that I hear the grip is like that of the old Synergys I paln to pick one up. Does anyone know what the price is going to be?

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The ones I saw appeared to have the visible honeycomb on the outside, not showing through.

What I mean by it "showing through" is that when you hold it up to the light you can see the honeycomb pattern on the blade. I'm sure it's the same as the ones you saw.

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I have only seen it, but the stick itself looks awsome, I love the color, and now that I hear the grip is like that of the old Synergys I paln to pick one up. Does anyone know what the price is going to be?

$159/$169 I believe.


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Release date? I think I'll hold off on an SL to get this if its being released soon.

JR's gona kill you lol, :lol: so many people have asked when stuff comes out.

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Release date? I think I'll hold off on an SL to get this if its being released soon.

Check you stores daily, they should be out any day now if they aren't already........


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Release date? I think I'll hold off on an SL to get this if its being released soon.

JR will smash you man, come on, all the stuff will be out in SPRING

Is it enought??? ;)

JR, I think you should put back the release date in your signature... :P

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I had the pleasure's of using a Hex-1 back before christmas. I was very impressed with the balde itself. I think alot of people are going to like the feel of this stick for catching passes and also enjoying the nice kick you get from the Mission shafts. The one I tried out was an 85 flex McCauley curve ( pro stick ,Not retail) And I am not a big fan of his curve,but did like the feel of the new blade.I had him fire some hard passes and I stiffed them to see how the blade felt, It recieved them alot better than any other blade I have tired, stick kicks off,but not as hard as the easton blades. I do know I will be getting a couple of these when they come out.If not maybe get a couple from Alyn when I see him again soon.

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I put a white command grip on mine with white tape. It looks pretty cool. I call it the "WHITE KNIGHT"


For what it's worth the stick is very nice, I was a disappointed that the blade was so short height wise. Other than that I would put it in the top 5 OPS around.

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I know Spring, I was wondering what month...

Check my stores daily? My LHS is horrible, get everything so long after they are out.

Thanks anyway.

Ummmmm, I was joking around with the "check your stores daily" comment.

As for what month, relax a little, spring is right around the corner.

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Sorry, but this sexy stick is making me ancy  :P

I know what you mean! I can't wait for the Hex-1 to hit the stores. For what it's worth, epuck.com says they expect to get them some time in March, possibly as early as late February. But the guy at my LHS said that Mission got about 3 times as many orders for these at the trade show than what they initially produced, so some of the orders may not get filled for quite some time. May be Justin could have mercy on us lunatics and sell us some factory-direct.................

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I was a disappointed that the blade was so short height wise.

I agree the blades on my L-2 are alot shorter (height wise) than all my other blades. I have 2 elias ones. I think maybe it is to reduce the weight??? It doesn't really bother me but its a bit odd.

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