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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Good luck flexing it.........

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For $.99 it wouldn't be a bad stick to put a ABS blade in and have a kid play around in the driveway. The kid would probably have the coolest street hockey stick in the neighborhood!! :lol:

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That thing has better use than to be a hockey stick...(perhaps an beating stick) :P

That thing would be impossible for a kid to shoot with...I would say more than 150 flex...maybe 220?

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Somewhere . . . over the Rainbow a lollipop kid is drolling over this auction and scoring a Synergy for two bucks! And with the stiffness and durability of the gold grips the shipment should survive the tornadoe of a trip to get there B)

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That blows! i rember breaking one of my ultralites a couple years back and I still managed to make three shaft/balde combos out of it for my neighbours 3 year old son..... how can anyone be soo much in need to sell this crap? well don´t blame me for his messed up wrist later on, though :wacko:

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if i ever had a stick like that, i'd put a monster blade in it, the heaviest i can find, and just slash people :D

EDIT : 500th, awesome B)

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if i ever had a stick like that, i'd put a monster blade in it, the heaviest i can find, and just slash people :D

EDIT : 500th, awesome B)

I see many penalty minutes in your future :D

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I've seen a 6-7 year old kid who could flex a Synergy slightly longer than that. He used his body weight though.

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Come to think of this topic,

I've got:

-2 broken synergies

-1 broken vector

-1 broken synthesis

-1 broken vapor xx

Maybe I should pull off a ebay sell?

That could easily generate a good $10? lol

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Come to think of this topic,

I've got:

-2 broken synergies

-1 broken vector

-1 broken synthesis

-1 broken vapor xx

Maybe I should pull off a ebay sell?

That could easily generate a good $10? lol

lol, depends where those are broken, TONS of people around where I live would die for those.

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every four inches you cut off of it you should add 24 to the flex. So how long is the shaft of a sr synergy?

Add 24 flex for every 4 inches cut off a shaft? That sounds a little high to me.

From what I've heard from most people the rule of thumb is to add 2 - 2.5% stiffness for every inch cut off a shaft.

Since different flex shafts would yiield different stiffness for the same amount cut off I would think that the increase in stiffness would be variable rather than a set number.

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people buy them as cheap altenatives to shafts, i bought one so i could try a tapered shaft. most full sized ones go for 20-30 bucks. if you have one thats just broke at the blade, id give you 20 bucks for it. its better than buying a synthesis for $100.

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Maybe he isn't doing it for money, rather so a younger kid can have something to show off at his next road hockey game. I had an old coach grab a broke Grip-Lite for his youngin' he loved it. Not sure where he used it, I know I wouldn't let a kid use that flex for games, but who knows, he could be doing this to benefit someone rather than tossing it out.

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You could just do what I did to my Rubber/Tri-core, RR. Just stick a plug in the middle of them and glue them together. Mine worked perfectly and had lasted like 5 months. Only reason it didnt last longer was because I decided to put the plug in my RR.

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My nextdoor neighbour has a shaft the exact length and he just slammed an abs blade in it and uses it for road hockey.... he's 5 years old and when i gave the broken grip synergy to him his eyes lit up with joy lol

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WAY back in the day my friend made about a 24" butt end to put in an ultra lite he broke right before he switched to only using t-flexes. But if he knew a game was going to come down to "scumbag" hockey, he's bust out the OAKtralite. Had a nice weight to it.

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