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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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FSN Sports List

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their list:

1.Bobby Orr

2.Wayne Gretzky

3.Mario Lemieux

4.Gordie Howe

5.Ray Bourque

6.Bobby Hull

7.Mark Messier


9.Patrick Roy

10.Steve Yzerman

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i might have messed up a few in there if anyone else saw the show

the first four are right though and i definatley think 1 and 2 are mixed up

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I agree with the order of te first two. As good as Wayne was, Orr changed the way the game was played by defensemen.

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I agree with the order of te first two. As good as Wayne was, Orr changed the way the game was played by defensemen.

Absolutely, positively, dead-on balls accurate.

However, he not only changed the way the defensemen played the game, but how the game was played.

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I agree with the order of te first two. As good as Wayne was, Orr changed the way the game was played by defensemen.

Absolutely, positively, dead-on balls accurate.

However, he not only changed the way the defensemen played the game, but how the game was played.

I agree Orr is number one. Before Bobby Orr there was no such term as offensive defensman.

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Guys, don't forget it's a greatest hockey player list, not the top offensive talent list.

Orr could do it all offense or defense and he did both spectacularly. Pass, shoot, stickhandle, check, defend, fight, block shots...............leap over buildings in a single bound, etc.

Not only that but orr could be finesse or physical..........Don Cherry called him the perfect hockey player and he was right.

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Orr I've always called the best ever.

And, although I'm a penguins fan, I'd easily put Howe ahead of Mario. Just because of how tough Howe was, 'cause I know playing forever helped pad the stats.

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I guess it can go either way in my opinion. If you value changing the game, Orr. But if you are looking for the greatest ever, I would pick Wayne.

I always said that Orr changed the game the most, Lemieux was the most physically gifted but Wayne was the best ever. I have no problems with Wayne or Orr as the top man, today I just value the drastic change in the way was played enough to put him over the top. Next week, I may change my mind.

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One thing they overlooked. Back in the 1970's and early 80's, the Soviet Union never let their players leave, so they had some Awesome teams.

I was just a little kid back in the seventies when My Dad took me to see the Bruins take on The Russian Army team.

I was shocked to see the Russian Army team just toy with them.

Igor Larianov and Sergei Makarov we're great players. maybe worthy of this list.

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Mikhailov was supposed to be the best player in the world during the 70s and 80s. And yes, I've heard that from places other than the movie "Miracle."

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I've never been able to see Orr play, but I don't know if I agree. If all things are equal and they are accounting for injuries, because Orr didn't play that long, I'd put Lemieux ahead of Gretz. This list has an oddly Don Cherry touch to it.

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I've never been able to see Orr play, but I don't know if I agree. If all things are equal and they are accounting for injuries, because Orr didn't play that long, I'd put Lemieux ahead of Gretz. This list has an oddly Don Cherry touch to it.

If for no other reason than his attitude to hockey for most of his career, I would never do that.

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I'd put Lemieux ahead of Gretz.

Never that! His physical gifts are heavilly offset by his whining like a wench and acute sense of self-importance.

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:ph34r: I have ill feelings towards the Gretzky family <_<

I don't disagree with that at all, but from what I've seen Orr doesn't promote the game nearly as well as Gretz, so how can he be placed ahead of him if thats whats holding Lemieux back? Lemieux is obviously worse than Orr in whining and such, but Gretz is involved at so many levels and so "pro-hockey" it makes it difficult to compare.

Orr was always able to play at the top of his game, or under an injury umbrella (not saying he wanted it that way, just that it was there). Gretz and Lemieux didn't have that scenario. It makes it difficult for me to put Orr in the same category as either, because I don't believe he had a "full" career.

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:ph34r: I have ill feelings towards the Gretzky family <_<

I don't disagree with that at all, but from what I've seen Orr doesn't promote the game nearly as well as Gretz, so how can he be placed ahead of him if thats whats holding Lemieux back? Lemieux is obviously worse than Orr in whining and such, but Gretz is involved at so many levels and so "pro-hockey" it makes it difficult to compare.

Orr was always able to play at the top of his game, or under an injury umbrella (not saying he wanted it that way, just that it was there). Gretz and Lemieux didn't have that scenario. It makes it difficult for me to put Orr in the same category as either, because I don't believe he had a "full" career.

I still think Orr had a bigger impact on the way the game was played than any other player. Mario was a rare big man with exceptional skill, Wayne was a fantastic player but didn't change the way generations of centers played the game. Orr was the guy who made it ok for guys like Coffey, Leetch and Zarley Zalapski to be defensemen.

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Orr is number one in my book. I'm a defenseman though so i may be biased. Like Chadd said, he made the game much better. He redefined a defenseman's role in the game completely.

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Exactly............Gretz may have nearly perfected one dimension of the game, but Orr invented his own dimension of the game and used it better than just about everybody.

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