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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Power skating tips

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When I was a kid, My coach would stand on the back of the net and have us push it like a blocking sled in football. It forced us to get down low and push from our hips and thighs to get it moving. Get a full extension from each stride. Make sure you start out with bent legs and get down low so you create more power when you push out to a straight leg.

That's one way to improve on your explosiveness.

The other thing to remember is to try to keep your head & shoulders as "Quiet" as possible. Some of my squirts lose a lot of power and efficiency by bobbing their head and shoulders up and down in their forward stride and that can become a bad habit.

If you watch professionals skate, they are extremely efficient. They don't make a move with any part of their their body unless it is necessary to the stride.

I signed my nine year old up for speed skating lessons, and just the increased focus on technique helped him with his hockey stride. And the speed skating lessons were really cheap compared to hockey camp.

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Basic, simple thing that helps people who don't do it; Take your bottom hand off the stick away from the play. I see way too many people around here carrying their stick in both hands when they skate. It drives me nuts to hear them tell kids to always have two hands on their stick.

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I agree Chadd. Also if you want more power in your stride, try to push your feet OUT rather than back. If you push back then you won't get as much power. Our power skating coach at every practice has us stand on the blue or red line with our toes touching the front edge of the line and have us extend our leg like a stride and have our stride toe touch the back of the line. That's about the position you want your stride in when you're skating.

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If you have 10 or 15 bucks to spare grab yourself a copy of Laura Stamm's Power Skating. No I don't work for her but it has some great tips in there.

The absolutely most helpful thing is to get proper skating stride, DEEP knee bend and nice ankle flex, and proper back alignment..........full leg extension and end each stride with a toe snap.

Look at the premiere skaters you see (pro or otherwise) and note their posture...........(granted there are some unorthodox skaters)

Too many people take a bunch of short, choppy strides really fast but truth is to move your feet quicky AND maximize each stride.

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Look at the premiere skaters you see (pro or otherwise) and note their posture

Paul Kariya is a great example

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If you can, go to a power skating camp like Barb Aidelbaum, or Audrey Bakewell, they really focus on improving technique, the only thing you have to do after is pump your legs hard.

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i am trying to get faster and i need some hints on power skating

i would really appreciate all of your tips


Do you do any off-ice training to improve leg strength and foot speed? It can definetly give you an edge if you use the right exercises otherwise you might find you lose speed and agility. Check out Peter Twist's book Complete Conditioning for Ice Hockey for some good exercises for both on and off the ice.

Train hard

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