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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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breaking stick

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i was wondering where and how do you break your sticks

the blade? or the shaft ? a shot (slap wrist etc) or when you go to in to the boards

a slash or anger (like breaking it of the post)..

i always break the blade but never can break the shaft 5:1 ratio if usually from a slash.

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It's all about D to D one-timers. I've seen lots of players break their sticks on faceoffs because of the force used on some draws.

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Shots, slashes recieved, slashes given, bad goals :ph34r: , one-times

Blades, shafts, you name it. Blades break more frequently, but not more than I expect them to.

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yea I've broken 3 on faceoffs and another 4 off of various shots and passes. To note, two of those 3 sticks broken on faceoffs were using junior flexes... and I'm 5'4 180... so there's that.

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I usually break my wood sticks in the middle of the shaft, but if it is a one piece or a shaft with a blade its always broke on the blade except once when i broke a shaft just above the fuse point. I break most of my sticks when shooting.

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If I snap a blade it's by some freak thing, the last one I snapped was on a poke check I caught a guy's skate.

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I've snapped a shaft in half by flexing it. Usually I just snap my blades during play either from taking a shot or taking a slash.

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wrist shot on my cyclone aluminium... the puck didnt move much, but the shaft snapped... blade and part of the alum shaft flew off about 10ft...

lucky nobody was in front... was practicing some one-timer wristers with a buddy of mine...

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