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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Forsberg for life

using red bull

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On my team a couple guys drink like 3 redbulls a game and they seem to be fine even though I think the limit is 2 a day. I tried some during an intermission and it did work with no problems.

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actualy in my opinion i think red bull only works for those who work.....i mean not everyone's bodys are the same...for some it doesnt work (like me) and for some it does.......i drank one one time and i felt sleepy....which is really ironic... :blink:

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some people react very differently, i know for myself.. the coordination is off when i drink red bull, and i get shakey... plus it dehydrates a lot of people.. but i know a lot of people that just love it before a game

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With Red Bull, and other drinks of the sort, I;ve found myself almost addicted to them. When I run out, and don't drink them for a period of time, I almost go through withdrawl. My body seemed to become dependent on the drink during a game, and it took awhile for me to become used to not drinking it. My advice is to stick to the water and/or Gatorade, like I said, it's almost like a drug, and at $3 a pop, not the cheapest either.

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what is your opinon on using red bull to increase performance in hockey or any sport for that matter. I heard mixing sports and red bull can be dangerous.

yeah somebody died drinking too much of it

it tastes like sweat tarts :D

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With Red Bull, and other drinks of the sort, I;ve found myself almost addicted to them. When I run out, and don't drink them for a period of time, I almost go through withdrawl. My body seemed to become dependent on the drink during a game, and it took awhile for me to become used to not drinking it. My advice is to stick to the water and/or Gatorade, like I said, it's almost like a drug, and at $3 a pop, not the cheapest either.

If you buy a whole case of it, its a lot cheaper. Depending on how much you buy the price per can cuts in half.

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Red Bull is really good for short burts of energy, but it wears me out after about 15 minutes. It's not for everyone some kids can take it and have energy for hours on end.

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If I have a late game and I'm burned out from a long day I'll drink an AMP. Those suckers keep me wired for a long time.

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I've recently found the following works

(mind you, im overweight and out of shape so this helped me alot).

1. Get to bed early the night before the game

2. Jog the morning before

3. Drink LOTS of water all day

4. Eat a medium sized portion of Pasta 2-3 hours before game

5. Drink 75% Gatorade / 25% Water mixture during game.

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I've just started using red bull and I really like it. I have lots more energy and it does dehydrate you, but then i just a lot more water on the bench. And it does tired you out a little bit, but by the third it's just normal fatigue. I've tried "monster" too and that's really good. I think the pros outweigh the cons.

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i usually just drink a red bull before the game to wire me up for the beginning, water on the bench, and gatorade during intermissions. i find the red bull gets me going and into the game faster, but i can't say i enjoy the taste all that much though

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Since red bull doesn't sound like the best choice, whatelse can I drink without nasty effects? Or here's a better question, has anyone heard of any pros that drink anything special before a game? I'd like to know for those days when I'm tired as hell and need some quick energy.

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Anything with caffeine is a really bad idea. It will actually detract from your performance.

You don't want your heart rate artificially increased. You need to reach peak heart rate naturally through physical exertion on the ice and then come down as fast as you can recover on the bench.

Any type of artificial stimulant is going to keep you from recovering a low heartrate as quickly, and therefore keep you from performing at max capacity.

Red Bull may make you feel like a stud in pre-game warm ups, but you'll get burned out faster on a shift and recover more slowly and less effectively on the bench.

Drink water and Gatorade/Powerade.

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I find that Red Bull last me about 10 mins in the first period, then my energy level goes downhill from there.

My combination would be powergels and good ol' H2O

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Used it once when I went for a canoe ride, we did the ride in 45 minutes(people normaly do it in 3 hours) we were paddling like hell was behind us. Never took any before hockey though, took some Monster a couple of times though, seemed to work. They just legalized Red Bull in Canada (the real version not the Thai version that is sold in a small sirup bottle, that version has been here for a couple of months) so we should start to see more publicity from them this summer of so. We will then find more about the product.

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