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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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47. My initials are AK. I'm pretty sure further explanation is not necessary.

You're on the patriotic side of things ;) Mine is either 3 or 91.

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when I was a real youngin' I wore 66 (huge penguins fan) I then wore 29 more or less the whole time I was serious in hockey after that. took about a year and a half off, came back with 95, 66+29

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26 Because of Mats Naslund, the little viking was my fav. player for the Habs back in the days.

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26 for steve sullivan. Ive liked him since he played on Toronto. I can't believe those fools traded him.

Even worse, he was put on waivers and Chicago picked him up.

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11.gif. Actually Muller was my favorite player when I was younger...and he wore 11 in Montreal as well.

If 11 was taken I'd probably go 76.

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