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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy warantee

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Hey guys! After i broke my vapor xx last week i decided to pick up a synergy grip. I really liked it .... operative word there being liked. I broke it today in my last regular season game. I am wondering.... How do i go about sending this thing to easton for a replacement? As well i have read about people getting synergy sl's and sl grips.... is this possible for me... even if i live in canada. Also about how long is the shipping time for them to send me whatever stick i get. Thanks very much.

P.S. I only used this stick for 2 ice times... brutal eh!

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Sorry but IMO, Eastons are crap. They had a good thing going, then they got greedy. Most of their productrs are not durable. I don't stock much Easton anymore just because of this. I got tired of folks coming in telling me there stcik broke or blade broke a week after purchase and wanting me to do something, like an imediate replacement. I got tired of that and just decided to go with more durable brands.

I remember when Easton just made arrows for bow hunters, it was a good company then. I'm not sure what happened over the years but their hockey sticks, blades, etc, are just not worth it.

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Sorry but IMO, Eastons are crap. They had a good thing going, then they got greedy. Most of their productrs are not durable. I don't stock much Easton anymore just because of this. I got tired of folks coming in telling me there stcik broke or blade broke a week after purchase and wanting me to do something, like an imediate replacement. I got tired of that and just decided to go with more durable brands.

I remember when Easton just made arrows for bow hunters, it was a good company then. I'm not sure what happened over the years but their hockey sticks, blades, etc, are just not worth it.

Every one piece stick will break. Every manufacturer has had durability issues in certain runs.

I personally don't believe Easton sticks are manufactured poorly or lack the durability of other high end OPS's.

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You are correct, all OPS will break. As an individual you may have had good luck, but... I'm just basing my observations on years of having customers bring in Eason products prematurely broken. Compared with other brands, the Eastons, just don't seem to hold up as long as others. That's all I'm saying. As a retailer we have to deal with this daily. I hate it when a customer brings in a $50 blade they bought the day before and expect me to give them another one when I tell them there is no warranty. In the end, they are mad at me, not Easton, because I sold them the piece of crap.

Now I will say, the CCM V130 first batch is terrible. Every one I sold broke within 30 days. I hop they get that fixed by summer end.

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Do you see more Eastons come in broken b/c they break faster or b/c there are so many more Eastons out there than every other brand combined?

Just a thought, not trying to argue

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Yes there are more Eastons out there, but I don't base it on that, just on how long folks are saying theirs lasted. I hear the complaints every day, and hand them a tissue if it's day 31. :-)

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Yes there are more Eastons out there, but I don't base it on that, just on how long folks are saying theirs lasted. I hear the complaints every day, and hand them a tissue if it's day 31. :-)

having worked in a shop for going on 5 years now, i hear this complaint everyday. there is a 30 day warranty on these sticks with good reason. these sticks aren't meant to be durable sticks. they are light weight, high performance sticks. if the stick has a manufacturers defect, it will more than likely break within its 30 day warranty period. they are not meant to last forever. if you go out and buy a Ferrari, would you complain about the gas mileage? its just as silly

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