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What team should i follow?

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Hi guys, i'm new to the site so i'll introduce myself first. I'm Boycey and am from Birmingham, England. I've been following the NHL for a few years now but still haven't made up my mind on which team to follow. Please could you give me a few suggestions as i can't make up my mind on my own.

Cheers! :)

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I would suggest not following the NHL alltogether. Might as well pick a team from a league that actually plays hockey isntead of one that talks about it.

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People from Europe seam to always be more into Canadian teams like the Leafs and Habs.

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Go for the team from the Center of the Hockey Universe The Toronto Maple Leafs, where else do 18,000 plus fans so up to watch the morning skate for the all-star game.

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I used to be pretty fond of Bertuzzi and the Canucks until he almost decapitated Steve Moore last year. The Devils got quite a lot of tv time as did the Avalanche. I'm still not completely decided but i'm working my way towards New Jersey.

Thanks for all the imput :)

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I'm still not completely decided but i'm working my way towards New Jersey.

No no no...what you really should do is go across the river and enter an abusive Relationship with the Rangers.

Also, I'm not quite sure why anyone would want to watch the Devils or wild. So freaking boring.

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Starting out now I couldn't see anyone wanting to watch them, but after Niedermayer started playing for them they had some great hockey back in the early 90s.

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When the NHL comes back, if it ever does, watch what games you can get and decide for yourself.

This is like asking us to pick your favorite food for you.

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Ok, from what i've seen game-wise, player-wise and on the web i've decided to go with the Blue Jackets. I know they don't win a whole lot but i like their players and their style.

And note to Neo5370 - This is not like asking you to choose my favourite food, I was asking for advice or suggestions.

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