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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ebay Treasure Hunt

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Ebay Treasure Hunt

Here's the deal. They give a clue and you go out and find the ONE auction that coresponds with it. If you find it you get $1000.

Example: Clue = four-term server Answer = "No Fear" motocross shirt - XXXL

FDR said "the only thing we have to fear itself" so you punch in fear, scour through the auctions, and find the winner.

Some of them are crazy

Example: Clue=east-west transportation breakthrough; another word for Answer= Scary Movie 4 DVD

Scary movie 4 isn't even out yet. The connection is that trains were called "Iron Horse" and Lou Gehrig was called "Iron Horse" and his number was 4.

So, is anyone else playing? I haven't been good enough to win anything yet.

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The newest clue is "Cartoon, ride to school" and no it's not Magic School Bus.

haha i was just gonna say that. i was like, thats too easy.

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I looked at all the past clues and this contest is really difficult to actually win. The clues can be misleading unless you think outside the box sometimes. I tried for a while but gave up.

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Some of those clues are so abstract theres no way people got them on purpose. Im sure most of them were just found by chance, by people actually looking for that item..

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How do you know if you've found it? The chances are very minimal for me but what do you have to look for to see if you've found it?

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How do you know if you've found it? The chances are very minimal for me but what do you have to look for to see if you've found it?

Click on the auction and there will be a picture inside the auction that says you won or something. I think everything is found now, its done.

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Done for good? I just read this post this morning and was getting started.

Well today is the last day, I shouldnt say its over yet. Theres still a few more clues, Good luck!

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