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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Inno blades

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Hey guys,

Pics should work now.

I know about Inno's outstanding rep with all of us hockey players.

And I know everyone goes googoo gaagaa over their blades.

McCarty, Fedorov, Kovalev, Roberts, Mogilny, ProStocks, we love them all.

And I know that many of us love the heel wedges.

But has anyone seen this in their endless search of the perfect blade?





It's tapered, short hosel, and paired up with a Vapor XV.

Very very light (actually feels lighter than my Lidstrom 110 Grip Syn), and great feel too.

Will Inno continue to make this pattern? Or did I get lucky at Just Hockey in Toronto and find a one of a kind?


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Scratch that I can now see them, Wicked curve, I found the Lidstrom to be WAY to open for me (PP). But thats baisicialy perfectly Identical to the Lidstrom.

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I have a Mike Sillinger game used blade back when he was a Canuck that looks pretty much like a Lidstrom clone. I guess if you like that Jovo blade, the Canucks had a bunch of his pro stock sticks/blades for sale at the equipment sale last year.

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I think I've seen that curve on ebay before, but I couldnt find any now. I could've swore that goalieheaven used to have some, but I dont see any.

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I am in Vancouver, and there is a store here that sells that Inno Jovanovski curve. I'm a big fan of the Easton Lidstrom, so it's the same curve but with a much shorter hosel. The store here in Vancouver is called Scoff's.

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Does Scoff's have any patterns like a Tkachuck/Modo? I saw a bunch of Inno blades in the summer when I bought my 1100 but I haven't been there in a while and am in need of a enw blade.

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I got the blade about 4 or 5 months ago in Toronto (Just Hockey). They had all the 2004 Inno stuff (white Novius, soft grip 1100, tapered & standard).

Blade costed $80 CDN.

Last I checked, they had it in LH & RH and both tapered & standard.

Give them a call, they may be able to help you if you need it.

Just Hockey in Toronto.



PS - This "shovel" is awesome!

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