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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I got a fairly now pair of CCM Vector PF8s (yes I kno this is the Ice hockey section) but this happens to my Ice skates as well. The skates are about 2 months old, and the plastic around the laces is already blown to hell. I am tierd of replacing laces a month or so after I get skates. Is there any type of lace where the coating dosent peel off. Or an I stuck like this forever?

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Yes man, I've had this exact same problem, and It's getting me pretty TO'ed. Ive changed my laces like 3 or 4 times in the last 2 months. What ive found increases their life just a bit longer is to take a match and melt the tip of the plastic together, just enough so its together, but not a giant goo blob. This increases it's life for a while, until the beginning of the plastic part starts to break.

As for permanently finding a solution to your problem, the one pair of laces I've had that did not break at the tops were the pair that came with my Grafs. Instead of being solid plastic at the tips, the tips on this pair were malleable, so they would not break. They were in the same shape and would hold that shape, but you were able to bend them.

In addition, Bauer sold steel-tipped laces a few years back. You might want to try to find yourself a pair of those bad boys.

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Just in addition:

Everytime i lace up my skates (waxed laces) they rip into my fingers. when i have them really tautly, they 'cut' into my fingers and it really hurts...

how can i avoid/stop that?

wait until i get callus ?

thanks a lot

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molded tips usually work best. You could also cut the end at an angle and put a dab of glue on it to hold the shape.

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the "sonic tips" work well or if they still are making them, the steel tip laces work great. bauer made them, but I heard they were banished from the states and sold only in canada, though i haven't checked there recently.

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Call me paranoid if you must but I'm a perfectionist...my laces are straight throughtout all the eyelets except when i tie them together and all that..i find that all my laces have last me until i actually needed to change skates i guess because I'm so tender with them and want them to be perfect(haha).Whenever i take off my skates I carefully take the molded tip and carefully pull them out of eyelet so that it goes straight out.My tips are like perfect ever since i got my skates about 4 months ago so yeah try being careful with them.No i don't sit there and carefully pull it out i just push the sides of the skates in so the dont cover the topmost eyelets and just pull it out straight.

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I do the burn and roll move when they break. I learned this real young working at a skating rink that was too cheap to buy new laces.

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